Human : Epilogue

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                                                    The Truth

I got out of my chair and looked around I took a deep breath as I looked around and that's when I noticed a door I walked up to the door and inspected it before I opened it but upon opening the door I could see that the door didn't lead anywhere there was just a wall on the other side I looked back at my fancy wooden desk and noticed a key on my fancy wooden desk I walked up to my fancy wooden desk and grabbed the key I then walked back to the door and inserted the key into the keyhole on the door I then turned the key in the keyhole to lock the door seeing as the door didn't lead anywhere but as I turned the key I noticed that the key turned effortlessly inside the keyhole it was clear that the door had no locking mechanism despite having a keyhole I removed the key from the keyhole before I grabbed the door knob and turned it to see if the door was locked but to my surprise I noticed that not only was the door not locked but once I opened the door again the door now led somewhere I looked through the open door and could see some sort of room on the other side there were desks with computers on them I stood there confused about what I was seeing but just then I could hear laughing the laughing sounded like it was coming from two beings I looked around to try and find the source of the laughing but I couldn't see anything it was as if the laughing was coming from all around me just then I heard two voices "One little Human..." the first voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Akasha just then the second voice spoke "...All alone in the universe." the second voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Desiree suddenly the roof of my capitol building got torn off I looked up and could see Akasha and Desiree floating above my capitol building they both looked down at me and smiled before they both spoke "There's nothing left in the universe now everyone is dead everyone except you." they both said, suddenly Akasha's entire army of Angels and Desiree's entire army of Demons appeared I looked around frantically but then I saw Linda, Brian, Mayhem, Nitro, Skitter, Cydaea, Viper, De'vorah, Vex, Valeria, Grimskull, Belial, Stahl, Manticore, Calina, Shelia and Rulok along with all of the other Ghosts staring at me just then the Ghosts, the Angels, the Demons, Akasha and Desire all rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly turned towards The Antimatter Cannon I pressed the button on The Antimatter Cannon and The Antimatter Cannon transformed and was ready to fire The Antimatter Cannon was aimed directly at everyone and fortunately everyone was rushing towards me from one direction I pulled the trigger on The Antimatter Cannon and I could hear The Antimatter Cannon charging up I looked and could see everyone getting closer to me as the noises coming from The Antimatter Cannon grew louder suddenly The Antimatter Cannon shot out a colossal blast of antimatter I looked and could see the colossal blast of antimatter fire forward and consume everyone the Ghosts, the Angels, the Demons, Akasha and Desiree were all consumed by the colossal blast of antimatter after awhile The Antimatter Cannon stopped firing I then looked and could see that the Ghosts, the Angels and the Demons were gone they were consumed by the colossal blast of antimatter and were annihilated they no longer exist I then noticed that Akasha and Desiree were gone Akasha and Desiree were consumed by the colossal blast of antimatter Akasha and Desiree were annihilated Akasha and Desiree no longer exist Akasha is dead Desiree is dead.

I looked around and took a deep breath before I smiled "It's finally all over I did it I killed everyone I killed the Ghosts, I killed the Angels, I killed the Demons and I killed Akasha and Desiree I killed the two Gods of my universe I actually killed the two Gods Akasha and Desiree, now I am the only one left in the universe I am the last one standing only the strongest survive and only the strongest has survived I have conquered the universe I am the ruler the universe." I said "I am Emperor Joshua Robert Murday!" I proclaimed, I sat on my throne and smiled as I let out a triumphant laugh, I reveled in my ultimate victory but my celebration was short as I suddenly felt everything begin to shake it didn't feel like my capitol building was shaking it didn't even feel like the ground was shaking it felt like my universe was shaking I frantically looked around unsure of what was happening I quickly turned around and faced the door that I had opened with the key I ran through the door and quickly turned around and looked through the door and I could see that everything on the other side of the door was falling apart I slammed the door shut as I could hear the sounds of everything on the other side of the door collapsing when suddenly the sounds coming from the other side of the door stopped I took a deep breath before I slowly opened the door again I looked through the door and could see that there was nothing there was no capitol building, there was no Washington DC, there was no Earth, there was no universe there was nothing absolutely nothing I stood there staring before I realized what happened "I killed Akasha and Desiree I killed the two Gods of my universe and by killing Akasha and Desiree my universe was destroyed I killed Akasha and Desiree which caused the destruction of my universe I caused the destruction of my universe I have destroyed my entire universe." I said, I then closed the door before I inserted the key into the keyhole and turned the key I then removed the key from the keyhole I then slowly opened the door again and looked through the door and could see that there was now a hallway that matched the design of the rest of the building I was now in I then turned around and looking around the building I was now in.

I looked around the building I now found myself in and I could see several desks with computers on them "Where am I?" I thought as I looked around, I desperately tried to figure out where I was I then thought back to that strange pipe I saw back in Australia and what happened when I jumped into it I thought about the weird things I saw on the other side of that strange pipe I then realized that this was a similar situation I then remembered learning about the Multiverse when I was in school it then became clear what was happening that strange pipe in Australia must have led to another universe and that door that I just came through must have also led to another universe which means that I have traveled to another universe.

I paused for a moment as I realized what happened "I'm in another universe." I said as I looked at the key, I then looked and could see a garbage can nearby I walked up to the garbage can and dropped the key into it I then looked around and thought about what I was going to do in this new universe I then had an idea I walked up to one of the computers and turned it on I then wrote this story on the computer and once I was done I put my story all over the internet and then I shut the computer off I then stood up and walked out of the building, I left the building and stepped outside I looked around and could see that I was in a town I looked and could also see that there were people walking around I then thought about what I was going to do in this new universe, everyone in my universe is gone everything in my universe is gone Linda, Brian, Mayhem, Nitro, Skitter, Cydaea, Viper, De'vorah, Vex, Valeria, Grimskull, Belial, Stahl, Manticore, Calina, Sheila, Rulok, the Ghosts, the Angels, the Demons, Akasha and Desiree they're all gone my universe is gone forever I am the only one that survived I did all of those horrible things because I wanted to do all of those horrible things and now that I'm in this new universe I will do even more horrible things I will cause pain I will cause suffering I will cause death I will cause destruction I will cause carnage I will destroy everything I will conquer the entire multiverse I will become the most powerful being in existence I will become a God and you who found this story and read it I know you may think that this is just a work of fiction but the truest form of writing is exposing who you really are for everyone to see this story is not a work of fiction this is the story of my life I am Emperor Joshua Robert Murday when you see me bow before me fall to your knees and worship me this is who I am this is what makes me Human.

                                                        The End

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