Human : Chapter 9

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                                                Chapter 9


The transport arrived back in Scotland it flew towards the Resistance base before it flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards the command room where Nitro was waiting "You're back I've got your next mission ready." Nitro said "Let's hear it." I said "There is a Federation communications post in Hunedoara in Norway this facility is connected to every TV in the world the Federation use this facility to broadcast their propaganda to the world, I want you to destroy that facility." Nitro said "Alright." I said as I turned around and walked out of the command room, I walked up to the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo before I walked up to the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard I then looked and could see Brian and Linda as well as several Ghosts standing just outside of the transport just then they rushed towards me and attacked me but before they could reach me the back door of the transport then closed I took a deep breath before I spoke to the pilot "Take me to Hunedoara in Norway." I said "Sure thing Josh." the pilot said as the transport took off and flew out of the hangar before making it's way towards Norway.

The transport soon arrive in Norway as it landed just on the outskirts of Hunedoara the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed before I activated my communicator "Alright Nitro I'm here." I said "Okay Josh the Federation communications post should be somewhere in the city just look around until you find a big building covered in relay dishes." Nitro said "Alright I'll contact you once the Federation communications post is destroyed." I said as I deactivated my communicator and began moving towards the city but as I approached the city an Angel and a Demon suddenly appeared the Angel had gold eyes and a halo on it's head it had what looked like a flamethrower in one of it's hands while the Demon had red eyes and horns on it's head and it had large hooks instead of hands suddenly the Angel and the Demon attacked me I jumped to avoid the Angel as it raised it's weapon and spewed out a torrent of flame at me and just as I managed to evade the Angel's attack one of the hooks from the Demon latched itself onto me and the Demon pulled itself towards me I grabbed the chain from the Demon's hook and swung the Demon right into the Angel just then the Angel and the Demon began fighting each other the Demon swung it's hooks at the Angel while the Angel tried to burn the Demon with it's flames just then the Angel managed to hit the Demon with it's fire the Demon roared in agony as it burned and after awhile the Demon disappeared I then extended my blade and ran up the the Angel I then drove my blade into the Angel's chest the Angel screeched in pain before it disappeared I then retracted my blade before I took a deep breath and continued moving towards the city.

I entered the city and immediately noticed the Federation patrols in the streets I ran into a nearby alley to move through the city undetected as I moved from alley to alley I stepped out into the street and looked around it didn't take long for me to find a big building covered in relay dishes "That must be the Federation communications post." I said as I began moving towards the big building covered in relay dishes, I ran into another alley and as I moved through the alley I heard a noise coming from nearby I looked towards where the noise was coming from when suddenly I saw a Hybrid emerge from the alley the Hybrid looked almost Human but it had no arms and no head it's torso was torn open and I could see the inside of it's body it's ribs were exposed and they were sharp the Hybrids open torso looked like a giant mouth with the exposed ribs as the teeth just then the Hybrid screeched at me before it charged at me I quickly jumped to avoid the Hybrid the Hybrid stumbled to the ground before it quickly stood up and charged me again as the Hybrid attacked me I could see it's exposed ribs moving as if the Hybrid was using it's exposed ribs to try and bite me I quickly extended my blade and plunged it into the Hybrid's back I then sliced upwards before I tore the Hybrid in half the Hybrid then collapsed to the ground dead I then retracted my blade and continued moving towards the Federation communications post.

HumanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum