Human : Chapter 42

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                                                       Chapter 42

                               The Museum Of Archaic Technology

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off the back door of the transport then closed as I walked into the command room where Nitro was waiting for me "You're back I hope that last mission wasn't too much for you." Nitro said "Nitro I need to talk to you." I said "What is it?" Nitro asked "There is a group of Federation soldiers at The Museum Of Archaic Technology in Rennes in France, the Federation is trying to get their hands on the artifacts that are being held there." I lied "How do you know this?" Nitro asked "During that last mission I was on I used a Federation computer to make the Federation satellite fire at the Federation satellite control center and destroy it but before I did that I found a message on that computer saying that the Federation have sent a group of soldiers to The Museum Of Archaic Technology, the Federation is planning on using the powerful artifacts that are being held there." I lied "Fucking shit there's no telling what the Federation could do with those artifacts!" Nitro said "I need to get over there and stop them." I said "Right, take one of the transports and get out there." Nitro said, I turned around and made my way towards the transport I walked up to the transport and the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard the back door of the transport then closed "Take me to Rennes in France." I said "Sure thing Josh." the pilot said as the transport took off and flew out of the hangar I then looked out through the transport window and could see the Vectum ship that took me to that strange planet was still where I landed it I then thought about something "I've collected quite a few things from these missions that I've been going on that Vectum ship, that piece of rebar I used to fight that Angel in that dream about the hotel, De'vorah's stone, that large tree branch I used to fight that Demon in that dream about the forest, Vex's spiked choker, that duffle bag full of money I stole from that bank in Belgium, Skitter's helmet, Valeria's fancy looking wine glass not to mention my suit and all of the upgrades I've gotten for it and all of the weapons I've acquired I have quite the trophy collection." I thought "Once I find what I'm looking for at The Museum Of Archaic Technology that will be my most valuable trophy to add to my collection." I thought as the Resistance transport flew across the sky before making it's way towards France.

The transport arrived in France as it landed on the outskirts of Rennes the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off the back door of the transport then closed I then activated my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, I've landed." I said "Alright Josh The Museum Of Archaic Technology is in the city find it and kill those Federation soldiers." Nitro said "I'm on it." I said as I deactivated my communicator, I then began moving towards the city as I became more and more excited about going to The Museum Of Archaic Technology everybody knows about The Museum Of Archaic Technology and about the artifacts that The Museum Of Archaic Technology holds but I'm looking forward to finding one very specific artifact inside The Museum Of Archaic Technology just then I saw Brian, Vex, Skitter, Manticore, De'vorah, Linda, Calina, Stahl, Belial and Valeria as well as several Ghosts just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran from them as I made my way towards the city.

I entered the city and looked around as I tried to find The Museum Of Archaic Technology I walked down the street as I moved through the city I moved through the city searching for the The Museum Of Archaic Technology I walked down another street and looked around and that's when I saw The Museum Of Archaic Technology, everyone knows about The Museum Of Archaic Technology it is a massive building that holds countless artifacts from all over the universe some of these artifacts are extremely powerful but there is one artifact in particular inside The Museum Of Archaic Technology that I want to get my hands on I then ran down the street as I moved towards The Museum Of Archaic Technology.

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