Human : Chapter 40

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                                                   Chapter 40

                                                     The Hunt

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped out the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards Nitro "Good you're back I've got another mission for you." Nitro said "Okay." I said "There is a Federation refinery in Warsaw in Poland I want you to go there and destroy it." Nitro said "Sounds easy enough." I said "The transport will land just on the outskirts of Warsaw get into the city find the Federation refinery and destroy it." Nitro said "Alright I'll get it done." I said as I made my way towards the transport, I approached the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo before I walked towards the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard "Take me to Warsaw in Poland." I said "Understood Josh." the pilot said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off, the transport flew out of the hangar and made it's way towards Poland as the Sun began to rise.

The transport arrived in Poland as it landed on the outskirts of Warsaw the back door of the transport opened and I stepped out the back door of the transport then closed before I looked around and could see that it was now daytime I then activated my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, I've landed." I said "Okay Josh the Federation refinery is somewhere in the city find it and destroy it." Nitro said "I'm on it." I said as I deactivated my communicator, just then I could see Calina, Skitter, Brian, Vex, De'vorah, Stahl, Manticore, Belial, Linda and Valeria as well as several Ghosts standing next to me just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran from them as I approached the city.

I entered the city and began looking around for the Federation refinery I entered an alley to avoid the Federation soldiers that were patrolling the streets I made my way through the alley until I reached the end of the alley I emerged from the alley and was about to continue moving through the city but just then I looked up and saw something I could see the Sun in the sky and I could also see the Moon in the sky the Moon was a dark red colour and it was quite close to the Sun as I looked I could see that the Moon was getting closer to the Sun and in that moment I knew that there was about to be a solar eclipse I smiled as I watched the Moon get closer to the Sun I knew that if there was about to be a solar eclipse then that could only mean one thing, everyone in the city left their homes and walked out into the street before looking up at the Moon and as they saw what was happening the people in the city began to cheer and celebrate I watched as the people in the city celebrated and just then I could see the Federation soldiers in the city stop what they were doing and looked up at the Moon the Federation soldiers began to celebrate as well suddenly my communicator activated and I could hear Nitro's voice "Josh do you see that?" Nitro asked "Yes I see it." I replied as I smiled "I completely forgot that today was The Hunt." Nitro said, I stared up at the Moon with a smile on my face.

In order to ensure that Humanity will be the dominant species of Earth Humanity kills anything that isn't Human but we don't just kill them we wipe them out Animals, Subspecies, Monsters anything and everything that isn't Human is sought out and killed Humans love killing other Humans but Humans love killing anything that isn't Human even more so after years of killing anything that isn't Human Humanity eventually created a holiday that only takes place one day a year, one day a year the Moon is visible during the day and it is a dark red colour this is the Blood Moon on this day the Blood Moon eclipses the Sun Humanity decided to make the day that this happens the day of this holiday and what is this holiday it is none other than The Hunt, during The Hunt every Human on Earth comes together, puts their differences aside and hunts down and kills anything that isn't Human Humans are always trying to wipe out anything that isn't Human but The Hunt is the only time where all of Humanity comes together to kill anything that isn't Human on any other day of the year a Human might stumble upon a Subspecies or a Monster and kill it but during The Hunt every Human on Earth goes out to hunt down and kill anything that isn't Human every Human loves The Hunt and I am no exception every Human on Earth comes together to kill anything that isn't Human it doesn't matter if two Humans hate each other or are trying to kill each other during The Hunt they put their differences aside and come together to hunt and kill anything that isn't Human, Humans kill anything and everything that isn't Human during The Hunt however no Human is allowed to kill another Human during The Hunt if they do they will face The Hunt.

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