Human : Chapter 29

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                                                Chapter 29


The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and me and the rest of the Resistance fighters stepped off the back door of the transport then closed the other Resistance fighters went off in different directions as I made my way towards the command room where Nitro was waiting for me "You're back I've got another mission for ya." Nitro said "Alright." I said "We've intercepted a Federation transmission apparently the Federation have sent a group of soldiers to an old factory in Stuttgart in Germany, I want you to go there find this group of soldiers and kill them." Nitro said "Sounds good." I said "Find the Federation soldiers and kill them then see if you can find out what the Federation is doing there." Nitro said "Alright." I replied, I was about to walk out of the command room but just then Nitro spoke again "You know Josh we're constantly listening in on Federation transmissions we hear everything that the Federation talks about and the Federation talks about you alot." Nitro said "And." I said "The Federation is scared of you Josh in fact the Federation is so scared of you that they won't even say your name." Nitro said "Good the Federation should be scared of me." I said "There are alot of 'rumors' about you going around the Federation." Nitro said "What kind of rumors?" I asked "Well the Federation reported that a bank robbery happened in Mortsel in Belgium and this bank robbery happened at about the same time that you were in Mortsel in Belgium doing your mission to destroy the Federation outpost, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Nitro asked, I crossed my arms as I looked at Nitro "What are you implying?" I asked "I'm not implying anything I'm just telling you what the Federation have been saying, the Federation seems to think that you were the one that robbed that bank." Nitro said "Do you believe them?" I asked "The Federation is notorious for spreading misinformation I don't believe anything that they..." Nitro said but before he could finish his sentence I interrupted him "Good." I barked, Nitro raised an eyebrow as he stared at me "The Federation spreads lies don't forget that." I said "While I agree with you on that I can't help but think..." Nitro said but I interrupted him again "What that I robbed a bank during my mission to destroy the Federation outpost, how would that benefit me?" I asked "Well there have been a few times where I've tried to contact you while you were on some of your missions and you didn't respond." Nitro said "Yeah that's because shit happens while I'm on missions not every mission that you send me on is as simple as you make it out to be." I said "What about that duffle bag that you were holding when you came back from your mission in Mortsel in Belgium." Nitro said "What about it." I said, me and Nitro then stood there staring at each other neither of us said anything we just stood there staring at each other in silence before eventually I spoke again "You've been listening in on the Federation for too long Nitro don't let the Federation's propaganda get to you." I said before I walked out of the command room, I walked away from the command room before I took a deep breath I then walked up to the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo I then walked up to the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard I then looked and could see Linda, Brian, De'vorah, Belial, Stahl and Manticore along with several Ghosts standing just outside of the transport just then they rushed towards me and attacked me but before they could reach me the back door of the transport closed "Take me to Stuttgart in Germany." I said "Sure thing Josh." the pilot said as the transport took off and flew out of the hangar as it made it's way towards Germany.

The transport arrived in Germany as it landed in Stuttgart the back door of the transport opened and I stepped out the back door of the transport then closed I then activated my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, I've arrived in Germany." I said "Alright Josh the old factory should be somewhere in the city find the old factory and keep an eye out for those Federation soldiers." Nitro said "Alright I'm going now." I said as I deactivated my communicator and began moving but just then an Angel and a Demon appeared the Angel had gold eyes and a halo on it's head it had large hooks instead of hands while the Demon had red eyes and horns on it's head it's body was thin it had four arms but no legs the Demon was floating a few meters off of the ground just then the Angel and the Demon attacked me the Angel fired it's hooks at me I dodged the Angel's hooks while the Demon floated towards me and swung it's arms just then I dodged the Demon's attacks right as the Angel fired one of it's hooks I quickly moved out of the way and as I did so the Demon was struck by the Angel's hook the Demon then floated towards the Angel and struck it with one of it's arms and then the Angel and the Demon began fighting each other the Angel fired it's hooks at the Demon while the Demon tried to hit the Angel just then the Demon managed to hit the Angel the Angel tried to avoid the Demon's attacks but it was no use the Demon struck the Angel over and over again until eventually the Angel collapsed to the ground before it disappeared I then pointed my assault rifle at the Demon and fired and after a few shot the Demon collapsed to the ground and disappeared I then continued moving through the city.

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