Human : Chapter 21

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                                                         Chapter 21

                                                  Damsel In Distress

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed and I made my way towards Nitro who was running back and fourth inside the command room as if he was panicking "What's going on?" I asked upon my arrival to the command room "Oh fuck it's not good Josh, it's Cydaea she's been captured!" Nitro said "What!" I said "Cydaea was captured by the Federation during one of her missions." Nitro explained "Well do we have any idea where the Federation might have taken her?" I asked "Cydaea managed to activate her emergency transponder when she was captured we're tracking her signal, wherever she is she's moving and fast the Federation have most likely put her on one of their transports and are moving her elsewhere." Nitro said "So what are we going to do?" I asked "We can't risk Resistance secrets falling into the Federation's hands so you're going to find Cydaea and rescue her." Nitro said "Right." I said "We're tracking Cydaea's signal so tell the transport pilot to track Cydaea's emergency transponder signal and take you too it, you should be able to find her easily enough bring her back Josh." Nitro said "You got it." I replied as I turned around and ran up to the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo before I made my way towards the transport, the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard the transport I immediately sat down and informed the pilot of the situation "Cydaea has been captured by the Federation her emergency transponder signal is active track it and bring me too it." I said "Roger that give me a moment." the pilot said, after a moment the pilot spoke again "Alright I have Cydaea's transponder signal I'm tracking it now." the pilot said "Good let's go!" I said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and flew out of the hangar.

The transport flew across the sky I didn't know where in the world I was all I knew is that I had to rescue Cydaea "Alright we're approaching Cydaea's signal." the pilot said, I stood up and looked out the transport window and within moments I could see a Federation transport flying through the sky "That's where Cydaea is?" I asked "That's where her signal is coming from so I guess so." the pilot replied "Get me right up next to that thing." I said "How are you gonna get inside?" the pilot asked "Leave that to me." I answered, the Resistance transport then flew closer to the Federation transport but just then the Federation transport began firing "Shit we're taking fire!" the pilot said "Thanks for the update!" I said before I moved towards the back of the Resistance transport "We can't stay here!" the pilot said "Just open the door!" I said, the back door of the Resistance transport then opened as we we're now right next to the Federation transport I then put my weapon away and jumped out of the Resistance transport I then used my Grapple Hook to grab the side of the Federation transport, the Resistance transport immediately closed it's back door and flew away as I retracted the cable on my Grapple Hook which reeled me in towards where the hook landed and once I was there I was now hanging onto the side of the Federation transport with my Grapple Hook I was about extended my blade and use it to anchor me into the side of the Federation transport but just then a Demon appeared the Demon had red eyes and horns on it's head it had two large wings on it's back the Demon flew towards me and attempted to strike me I quickly pulled out my assault rifle and fired at the Demon the Demon flew around trying to attack me and avoid my bullets eventually I managed to hit the Demon enough that it roared in pain and began to fall towards the ground just then the Demon disappeared I put my assault rifle away before I extended my blade and drove it into the side of the Federation transport anchoring me in place I then detached my Grapple Hook from the Federation transport before firing it further up the Federation transport once the hook was in place I retracted my blade and allowed my Grapple Hook to reel me in once I arrived at where the hook had landed I noticed a window on the side of the Federation transport I looked in through the window and could see two Federation soldiers standing near the window it looked like they were talking to each other but suddenly one of the soldiers looked over the shoulder of the other and noticed me in the window he pointed at me in a state of panic I quickly ducked my head out of view before the other soldier could turn around after a few seconds of waiting I looked back through the window only to see what looked like the two soldiers arguing about what one of them saw "Alright enough fucking around." I thought as I extended my blade and just as I was about to strike I saw the first soldier point at me again and the other soldier turn around only this time he could see what the first soldier was pointing at I then thrusted my blade into the window breaking the glass my arm had reached far enough to reach one of the soldiers I grabbed him before pulling him through the small window which created a larger opening I then threw the soldier away and watched as his body flew through the air "See ya later bitch!" I said as I began to squeeze myself through the hole I had just created the hole was a little small which made crawling through it difficult but I eventually managed to squeeze through it and was now inside the Federation transport, every loose object in the area was being sucked out through the hole I had just made and the first soldier raised his gun and fired on me to little effect I thrusted my blade through his chest and he was dead I then pulled my blade out of his chest as his body dropped to the floor I then retracted my blade and pulled out my assault rifle before I looked and saw Stahl staring at me just then he rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran away from him before I looked ahead and could see a door I approached the door but just then the door opened and several Federation soldiers stepped through they immediately began firing at me and I dove behind a large crate I then looked around before I saw a large red button on the wall I ran up to the large red button and pushed it suddenly the back of the Federation transport opened I quickly used my Grapple Hook to anchor myself to the floor as everything in the area including the soldiers was sucked out of the Federation transport I then extended my blade and stuck it into the floor before I fired my Grapple Hook towards the door and once my hook landed next to the door I retracted my blade before I allowed my Grapple Hook to reel me in towards the door but as I was being reeled in I heard what sounded like a loud roar coming from behind me I looked back only to see a Dragon emerge and begin flying towards the Federation transport "Oh fuck!" I said, I remember learning about Dragons when I was in school the Dragon roared and began attacking the Federation transport I quickly reached the door and wasted no time stepping through it I then retracted my Grapple Hook before I closed the door behind me I then began moving through the Federation transport.

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