Human : Chapter 12

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                                                Chapter 12

                                        Over The Rainbow

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport with my duffle bag in my hands the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards my room to drop off my loot when suddenly I was stopped by Nitro "You're back, I've got your next..." Nitro said before noticing the duffle bag in my hands "What's that?" Nitro asked "Just some supplies I picked up during my mission I'm gonna drop it off in my room." I lied "Oh, alright then." Nitro said as I continued moving, I arrived at my room and entered it making sure to close the door behind me so that nobody would see me I then placed the duffle bag on my dresser before opening it and gazing upon all of my ill gotten gains "Easy money." I said as I closed the duffle bag "Nitro didn't suspect a thing nobody knows about me robbing that bank nobody knows about all of the horrible things that I've done I have everybody fooled, being a Resistance fighter is certainly making it easier for me to commit crimes I wonder what else I can get away with." I thought as I opened the door and exited my room, I closed the door before making my way back towards the command room and once I was there I approached Nitro for my next mission "Ah good you're here, I've got you're next mission ready when you are." Nitro said "Alright let's hear it." I said "Your next target will be a depot were the Federation stores it's weapons, armour and ammunition in Florence in Italy, as before the transport will take you to the outskirts of the city find the depot and burn the whole thing to the ground leave nothing for the Federation to salvage." Nitro said "You got it." I replied as I turned around and walked towards the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo I then made my way towards the transport and once there the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard "Take me to Florence in Italy." I said "Sure thing Josh." the pilot said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and flew out of the hangar before soaring through the air and making it's way towards Italy.

The transport soon arrived in Italy it landed just on the outskirts of Florence the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off the back door of the transport then closed as I activated my communicator "Nitro it's Josh, I'm here." I said "Alright the depot should be somewhere in the city, find it and destroy it." Nitro said "Alright I'm on it." I said as I deactivated my communicator and began moving towards the city but as I approached the city and Angel suddenly appeared the Angel had gold eyes and a halo on it's head the Angel was carrying what looked like a gun the Angel aimed it's gun at me and fired a barrage of bullets at me I did my best to avoid them as I raised my assault rifle and fired at the Angel we exchanged shots for awhile until eventually I managed to hit the Angel enough times that it collapsed to the ground before disappearing I then took a deep breath before I entered the city.

I enter the city and started looking around for the depot but all I could see were Federation patrols everywhere "I'm definitely not fighting my way to the depot especially if I don't know where it is." I thought as I ran into a nearby alley to avoid being spotted, I moved through the alley occasionally poking my head out into the street to try and find the depot but there were just more patrols but just then I heard a sound behind me I quickly turn around to see what it was but there was nothing there I began looking around for any signs of movement when suddenly a Hybrid appeared out of thin air right in front of me "Whoa!" I yelled as I jumped back to get a better look at the Hybrid, the Hybrid looked almost Human but it's skin was all slimy the Hybrid swung it's arms at me and stuck me causing me to recoil I then raised my assault rifle to shoot it but the Hybrid disappeared from sight once I did so only to reappear again a few moments later I quickly fired into the Hybrid as it appeared and with a few shots the Hybrid collapsed to the ground dead, I took a deep breath and composed myself for a moment "That Hybrid was fucking invisible." I said before quickly running through the alley.

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