Human : Chapter 33

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                                                 Chapter 33


The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I step off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards the command room where I could see Nitro "Nitro..." I said but before I could say more Nitro interrupted me "Josh we have a problem." Nitro said "What is it?" I asked "It's Skitter, he's gone." Nitro said "What do you mean he's gone?" I asked "I mean he's gone as in he just left he deserted the Resistance, he jumped into one of the transports and just took off." Nitro explained "What." I said "I tried to contact him on his communicator but all he said was that he was done with the Resistance and that we shouldn't go looking for him" Nitro said, I stood there shocked at what I was hearing "Why would Skitter do that?" I thought before speaking again "Do we have any idea where he could be?" I asked "We don't know we tried tracking the transport he took but he must have disabled it's tracking system, he could be anywhere in the world." Nitro said "So what do we do?" I asked "We need to find any clues as to his whereabouts, we've already searched his room but found nothing useful." Nitro said, I then had an idea "Hold on I'll be back." I said as I turned around and began walking towards the hangar door "Where are you going?" Nitro asked "Just wait for me here." I said as I left the Resistance base and began running towards Skitter's hideout.

I ran towards Skitter's hideout as millions of thoughts ran through my head I arrived at Skitter's hideout and I opened the front door of the house before I began searching the house much of the house was in a state of disrepair I searched the inside of the house but I didn't find Skitter inside the house "Where are you Skitter?" I thought as I ran to the back door and opened it, I stepped out onto the patio and could see the hot tub where me and Skitter had sex I then looked at the wall and saw the postcard with the picture of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil on it, I then remember Skitter saying that he always wanted to go there "Skitter." I said as I looked at the postcard, I then ran back through the house I ran through the house when suddenly I saw Linda, Brian, Belial, Stahl, Manticore, Vex, Valeria and De'vorah as well as several Ghosts just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran through the house to avoid them before leaving Skitter's hideout and heading back to the Resistance base.

Arriving back at the base I could see Nitro waiting for me "Where did you go?" Nitro asked "I know where Skitter is." I said "What, where is he?" Nitro asked "Rio de Janeiro in Brazil." I answered "How do ya know that." Nitro asked "Does it matter?" I asked "Yes it does!" Nitro barked "He told me that he always wanted to go to Rio de Janeiro when we were at that Federation warehouse in Switzerland alright!" I lied "Alright then you'll be the one going after him." Nitro said "And what will happen to him once I find him?" I asked "Skitter is a deserted he betrayed the Resistance, plus if he's out there on his own there's a good chance the Federation could capture him we can't risk the Resistance's secrets falling into the Federation's hands so you will find Skitter and you will kill him." Nitro said, I felt myself getting angry as I heard those words in that moment I wanted nothing more than to pull out my gun and blow Nitro's fucking head off right there "So you want me to hunt down and kill one of our own Resistance fighters, is that what we do now is that what we are?" I asked "I'm sorry Josh but that's just the way it..." Nitro said but before he could continue I raised my left hand and pointed my index finger close to Nitro's face silencing him, Nitro recoiled his head slightly as he looked at me with a stunned expression "I will find Skitter and I will decide what happens to him." I said before lowering my hand turning around and moving towards the transport, Nitro stayed silent as I walked away from him and approached the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard the transport and sat down "Take me to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil." I said, the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and flew out of the hanger before making it's way towards Brazil.

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