Human : Chapter 15

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                                                  Chapter 15


I rose from my bed and stood up before I heard knocking at my door followed by a voice "Josh it's Nitro, can I come in?" the voice said "Yeah come in." I replied as the door opened and I could see Nitro standing in the corridor "Whenever you're ready come on up to the command room, I've got something you're going to want to see." Nitro said "Alright give me a minute." I said as Nitro walked down the corridor, I took a moment to collect myself after the dream I just had I was fortunate to make it out of that dream alive in my universe dreams are real if a creature dies in a dream they die for real I was attacked by several Ghosts and I fought a Demon and an Angel in that dream the Angels, the Demons and the Ghosts can enter dreams it's one of the many ways the Angels, the Demons and the Ghosts can kill creatures I then noticed that I was still holding the piece of rebar that I had used to fight that Angel any object that a creature is carrying when they fall asleep will come with them into their dreams a creature can also grab objects in dreams and take them back with them when they wake up as long as they're carrying the object when they wake up, I placed the piece of rebar on my dresser before I approached my suit I placed my hand on the chest piece and my suit opened up I then stepped inside before my suit closed around me I then walked out of my room and closed the door behind me before I began walking towards the hangar on my way there I stopped at the cafeteria and pondered whether or not I should eat I decided not to I did however head into the bathroom to piss and shit I opened my suit and stepped out of it before using the toilet and once I was finished I flushed the toilet before removing my clothing and stepping into the shower to wash myself and once I was washed I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off before I put my clothes back on and walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth and once that was done I entered my suit I then walked towards the door but then I looked back and saw Brian standing behind me "You were a mistake!" Brian screamed as he rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly ran out of the bathroom before making my way to the hanger once I reached the hangar I entered the command room where I could see Nitro, Mayhem, Skitter and Cydaea as well as several other Resistance fighters standing around looking at a TV "What did you want to show me Nitro?" I asked "See for yourself." Nitro replied as he pointed to the TV, I looked at the TV and could see a news report showing people all over the world fighting the Federation "What's going on?" I asked "Isn't it obvious?" Mayhem said "Your recent string of attacks against the Federation have not gone unnoticed, our fight against the Federation has had an impact on people around the world." Skitter said "And it's all thanks to you Josh." Cydaea said, just then the news report showed a picture of me with a message underneath it "Joshua Robert Murday, wanted dead or alive for crimes against the Federation." the message read "Congratulations you're famous." Nitro said "It's about damn time!" I said "Nobody knows about all of those other crimes I've committed." I thought "Alright come on everyone we've still got work to do, I've got your next mission ready for you Josh." Nitro said "Lay it on me." I said "We've intercepted a Federation transmission about a Federation supply train I want you to destroy that supply train." Nitro said "Alright where is this supply train?" I asked "It just left the station at Cairo in Egypt and it's moving fast, it should arrive at the next station at Tripoli in Libya in an hour, the transport will take you the outskirts of Tripoli get into the city find the supply train and destroy it." Nitro said "Understood I'm on it." I said as I turned around and left the command room, I made my way to the transport I thought about refilling my ammo but I was probably alright the back door of the transport opened as I stepped aboard the transport "Take me to Tripoli in Libya." I said as I sat down "You got it." the pilot said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and soared out of the hangar and headed towards Libya.

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