Human : Chapter 28

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                                                Chapter 28


The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off the back door of the transport then closed as I walked towards the command room where Nitro was waiting for me "Good you're back, I've got another mission for you." Nitro said "Lay it on me." I said "The Federation has a fortress in Venezuela this fortress is well fortified we've been trying to destroy this fortress for the past three months we've thrown so many Resistance fighters at it but so far we haven't even been able to get close to it a few weeks ago we lost contact with the Resistance fighters that we sent over there so with that being said I want you to go to Venezuela find the Resistance fighters and figure out a way to destroy the Federation fortress." Nitro said "Alright I'll get it done." I said "Good the transport will take you to the other Resistance fighters, meet up with them and help them destroy the Federation fortress." Nitro said, I turned around and walked out of the command room I made my way down to my room and once I arrived there I opened the door to my room and entered my room I then pulled the fancy looking wine glass out of one of the pouches on my suit's waist and placed it on my dresser I then left my room and closed the door before I made my way back to the hangar, arriving at the hangar I walked up to the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo before I approached the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard I then looked and could see De'vorah, Brian, Vex, Belial, Linda, Stahl and Manticore along with several Ghosts standing just outside of the transport just then they rushed towards me and attacked me but before they could reach me the back door of the transport closed "Take me to Venezuela." I said "You got it Josh." the pilot said as the transport took off and flew out of the hangar the transport then made it's way towards Venezuela.

The transport arrived in Venezuela as it flew towards the ground and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off the back door of the transport then closed before the transport flew away I looked around and could see that I was standing in a large open field I then noticed that there was a trench in front of me I entered the trench and began walking through the trench, I walked through the trench until I looked and could see several Resistance fighters around the trench the Resistance fighters were performing various tasks some were fixing the Resistance trench while others were preparing their weapons just then one of the Resistance fighters noticed me and walked up to me "Josh you're here." the Resistance fighter said "Yeah I'm here to help you guys destroy the Federation fortress." I said "Well it's about time we got some real help." the Resistance fighter said "Hey everyone Josh is here!" the Resistance fighter yelled but the other Resistance fighters didn't react they just continued working "Don't mind them everyone is exhausted, we've been throwing ourselves at the Federation fortress and we've lost so many Resistance fighters." the Resistance fighter said "I'm here to make sure we destroy the Federation fortress, speaking of which where is the Federation fortress?" I asked "It's about a kilometer across the field." the Resistance fighter said, I then walked up to the edge of the trench before I poked my head out to try and see the Federation fortress I looked around the area and could see a large open field that was covered in craters there were destroyed Robots, downed gunships and dead Federation soldiers everywhere there were also several downed Resistance transport as well as dead Resistance fighters everywhere I then looked and could see a massive building in the distance the building was huge it was constructed from concrete there was a single large window near the top of the building there were two artillery cannons on either side of the building and there was a large trench in front of the building "That's the Federation fortress?" I asked "Yup we've been throwing ourselves at it for the past three months with no luck." the Resistance fighter said, I continued looking at the Federation fortress Nitro was right it was well fortified "We've thrown everything we have at that place Resistance fighters, transports, artillery fire but we haven't been able to get close to that thing our only option is to keep hitting them and gradually wear them down until we weaken their defences enough that we can get in there." the Resistance fighter said, I recoiled my head before I looked back at the Resistance fighter "It's a shit show out here everyday the Federation sends soldiers, Robots and gunships to come and attack us and all we can do is hunker down and hold them off, we've lost so many Resistance fighters I don't know how much longer we can keep this up." the Resistance fighter said "I'm here to help and one way or another we will be destroying that fortress." I said "I hope you're right." the Resistance fighter said "For now follow me I'll show you around." the Resistance fighter said as he began walking, I followed him as he showed me around the Resistance trench he showed me that there were two artillery cannons in the Resistance trench he then showed me where the ladders that lead out of the Resistance trench are he then walked into a bunker I followed him into the bunker and he showed me around the bunker he showed me where the mess hall is and he showed me where the sleeping quarters are the Resistance fighter then walked up to me before he spoke "Well that's about it, make yourself comfortable." the Resistance fighter said as he started walking away but before he could get far I stopped him "Hold on, who's giving the orders here?" I asked "Well Nitro was giving us our orders but the Federation started jamming our communicators a few weeks ago so we can't contact him." the Resistance fighter said "So you're all just sitting in this trench without anyone giving orders?" I asked "Pretty much." the Resistance fighter replied "Well that's about to change." I said as I made my way out of the bunker, the Resistance fighter followed me as I left the bunker I then looked around the Resistance trench and could see the other Resistance fighters I then spoke "Alright listen up since nobody is giving orders around here I've taken it upon myself to command you on this mission I will be giving orders from now on!" I yelled, the Resistance fighters looked at me unsure of what to do "Any questions?" I asked but nobody said a word "Good." I said as I walked back into the bunker, the Resistance fighter that showed me around followed me "You're going to be giving orders?" the Resistance fighter asked "Is that a problem?" I asked "Umm..." the Resistance fighter said but before he could say anymore I spoke again "It's clear to me that you are all struggling to complete this mission I'm here to make sure that this mission get's done and since Nitro is unable to give orders I will give the orders." I said "Alright." the Resistance fighter said as he left the bunker, I walked through the bunker when suddenly I looked and could see Valeria standing next to me she had black eyes just then she rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran from her until I arrived at a small room there was a table in the middle of the room I walked up to the table and could see that there was a map on the table I looked at the map and could see that the map showed the area that I was in there were markings on the map that showed where the Resistance trench was and where the Federation fortress was Nitro sent me here to destroy the Federation fortress and now that I'm giving the orders I'm the one who has to come up with a plan to destroy the Federation fortress I looked at the map as I began planning the attack on the Federation fortress.

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