Human : Chapter 14

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                                                   Chapter 14


I opened my eyes and rose from the bed that I was laying on I looked around and noticed that I was no longer in my room at the Resistance base but rather I was in what looked like a hotel room the room had a large bed, a TV, a dresser with a mirror on it, a door that led to a bathroom and another door that led out of the room I quickly got out of bed and looked around the room "I know this place." I said, I then looked at the door that led out of the room I walked up to the door and opened it I stepped through the door and was now standing in a long hallway with a carpeted floor and several other doors like the one I just walked through lining the walls "I've been here before a long time ago, my Mom and my Dad took me to this hotel." I said before I tried to think back to that time "When I was eight years old my Mom and my Dad brought me to this hotel I remember one night while we were at this hotel I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of my Mom and my Dad arguing I pretended to be asleep so that they wouldn't notice that I was awake I could hear my Mom and my Dad arguing about me my Mom and my Dad were arguing that they never wanted me that they should have gotten an abortion that they should just get rid of me, one day while we were at this hotel my Mom and my Dad locked me in the bathroom of the hotel room that we were staying in my Mom and my Dad then left the hotel they tried to leave me here my Mom and my Dad tried to abandon me at this hotel I had to escape from the bathroom that they locked me in and get to the lobby of the hotel so that they couldn't leave me here." I thought, I then realized what was happening "This is a dream, I'm dreaming right now." I said before I began to walk down the hallway, I walked down the hallway as I looked around I could see the doors that led to the other rooms I then noticed that the hallway went in two different directions the direction in front of me had more doors that led to the other rooms and there was another direction that led to a balcony that overlooked the lobby I walked down the direction that led to the balcony that overlooked the lobby and after awhile I had arrived at the end of the hallway and was now standing on the balcony I could see that I was on the second floor I then looked down and could see the lobby the lobby was on the ground floor I could also see that the front door of the hotel was in the lobby I then thought about what I was going to do "I need to get out of here the only way out is through the front door I remember there being an elevator in the center of the hallway with stairs around it I can probably reach the lobby using the elevator." I said as I turned around and walked back down the hallway, I walked down the hallway until I eventually came upon the elevator in the center of the hallway I looked at the stairs and noticed that there were security gates blocking them "So I guess the stairs are a no go." I said as I pressed the button on the panel to call the elevator but nothing happened "The elevator isn't working, great." I said before looking around and spotting a metal door next to the stairs I opened the door and entered a small maintenance room I looked around the room and could see a fuse box that was connected to the elevator, it was missing four fuses I then noticed a flashlight on a nearby wooden crate I picked up the flashlight and began looking around the room searching for a fuse I then noticed another fuse box at the far end of the maintenance room there was a single fuse in it I approached the fuse box and removed the fuse and instantly the lights in the room turned off I turned the flashlight on and looked around the room I walked back to the elevator fuse box and placed my newly acquired fuse into the fuse box "I found one fuse but there are three more, I guess I'll have to search for the rest of the fuses." I said before turning around and walking out of the room.

I stepped back out into the hallway and could see that the lights were off everywhere the entire hotel was now dark I frantically looked down the hallway dreading what I might see but there was nothing there I then noticed that the security gates that were blocking the stairs were now open and my first instinct was to use the stairs to reach the lobby I walked down the stairs until I reached the ground floor but then I noticed that there was a pile of furniture blocking the stairs I tried to move the furniture out of the way but it was useless the way was completely blocked "Shit." I said before walking back up the stairs, I walked up the stairs until I reached the third floor with the lobby blocked it seems I have no choice but to find all the fuses and get the elevator working, I began walking down the hallway I walked down the hallway until I arrived at a door there was a sign on the door "Manager's office." the sign read, I attempted to open the door but it was locked "Oh come the fuck on." I said, the door to the manager's office had a regular door knob with a lock above it "I guess I need to find a key." I thought, I walked back down the hallway until I noticed one of the doors that led to one of the rooms was slightly open I approached the door and was about to open it when suddenly I looked behind me and could see De'vorah standing there just then she rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly opened the door and ran into the room before I closed the door behind me.

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