Human : Chapter 5

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                                                   Chapter 5

                                          From Bad To Worst

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed and made my way into the command room where I could see Nitro waiting for me "You're back nice work taking out that research center, are you ready for your next mission?" Nitro asked "I'm ready." I replied "Good, one of our recon teams reported back to us with information regarding a Federation weapons factory in Tabriz in Iran, I want you to go to this weapons factory and destroy it." Nitro said "Consider it done." I responded "The transport will take you to the outskirts of the city you'll be on foot from there, we don't want to attract any unwanted attention." Nitro said "Alright." I said as I walked out of the command room and made my way towards the crate full of ammunition and refilled my ammo I then made my way towards the transport, arriving at the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard the transport and told the pilot the destination "Take me to Tabriz in Iran." I said "Right." the pilot said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and flew out of the hangar and headed towards Iran.

The transport arrived in Iran and landed just on the outskirts of Tabriz the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed and I activated my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, I've landed and I'm ready to begin my mission." I said "Alright Josh the weapons factory should be somewhere in the city, be careful there are Federation patrols all over the city." Nitro said "Understood I'll contact you when the factory is destroyed." I said as I deactivated my communicator and began moving towards the city.

I made my way inside the city and as I looked around I could see Federation patrols everywhere there were soldiers and Robots on every street "Damn Nitro wasn't kidding." I thought as I tried to plan my next move, I looked up towards the roof of one of the building and got an idea I used my Thruster Pack and made my way to the roof of the building once on the roof I looked forward and could see a large factory in the distance "That must be the weapons factory." I said I then looked ahead at the roof of the next building and used my Thruster Pack to jump over to it I landed on the roof and could see another roof not too far, I gallivanted from rooftop to rooftop when suddenly and Angel flew towards me the Angel had gold eyes and a halo on it's head it had two large wings on it's back the Angel swooped down in an attempt to strike me I managed to dodge it's attack before the Angels swooped down again this time I grabbed the Angel by one of it's legs I then slammed the Angel into the roof before I fired my assault rifle at the Angel I shot the Angel repeatedly until eventually the Angel stopped moving and disappeared I then looked ahead and saw that the next roof was a fair distance away I took a deep breath before jumping and using my Thruster Pack to fly over to it but I miscalculated the distance and I could see my suit's energy meter completely deplete and once it did my Thruster Pack shut off and I fell "Oh shit!" I yelled as I fell and as I hit the ground I landed with a loud crash and could feel my body ache in pain "Ow." I said as I slowly stood up and looked around I could see that I had landed in an alley "Guess I'm walking." I said as I began moving through the alley I waked through the alley as I watched my suit's energy meter begin to fill back up but just then I heard a sound behind me I slowly turned around and could see a small door on a nearby building the sound was coming from behind this door but as I approached the door it suddenly burst open and I saw a Hybrid standing in the doorway the Hybrid looked almost Human it had a normal Human body but it's head was deformed and attached to it's right arm was... "Is that a fucking chainsaw!" I yelled as the Hybrid screamed and sprinted towards me, I quickly turned around and began running through the alley as the Hybrid gave chase I desperately tried to get away from the Hybrid but it was much faster that me as it chased me relentlessly the constant buzzing of it's chainsaw reminding me of it's presence I shot at the Hybrid to try and kill it eventually I reached a wall at the end of the alley and realized that I was now trapped I turned around and could see the Hybrid closing in I the raised my assault rifle and fired at the Hybrid I kept firing until the Hybrid finally collapsed to the ground dead "Fuck that was close." I said as I reloaded my assault rifle, I took a deep breath before noticing a nearby door that led into a building I opened the door and stepped through I entered the building and looked around the building looked like a house just then I noticed a woman with white skin and blonde hair she had blue eyes she was wearing a pink shirt and white pants that had several pockets on them and white shoes the woman was standing in a kitchen she was washing dishes in a sink I looked at the woman for a moment before I raised my gun and shot the woman and as I did so the woman dropped to the floor dead I then approached the woman's dead body I looked and could see the woman's dead body laying on the floor as blood slowly pooled around her "Stupid cunt." I said, I then began walking through the building looking for another exit before I heard the sound of a baby crying I stopped and looked around trying to determine where the sound was coming from I moved through the building until I eventually came upon a door I could hear the crying coming from the other side I opened the door and stepped into the room where I could see a baby carriage and a baby inside of it the baby had no hair on their head they had blue eyes and they were wrapped in a pink blanket I slowly walked up to the carriage as the baby continued to cry I just stood there staring at the baby as the baby's cries assaulted my ears "Shut the fuck up!." I yelled as the baby continued to cry, I then raised my assault rifle and pointed it at the baby I had to shut this baby up "You little shit." I said before I pulled the trigger and my assault rifle fired and in that moment the baby was dead and the room became silent, I then began moving through the building again looking for an exit and as I was moving through the building I entered the kitchen again I looked around the kitchen and could see a fridge I walked up to the fridge and opened it the fridge had some apples, a cooked roast beef and a half empty container of milk in it I grabbed the food in the fridge before I opened my helmet and began eating I ate the cooked roast beef and had a few bites of an apple before washing the whole thing down with the milk once I was done I closed my helmet and continued looking for the exit and once I found it I left the building and stepped outside but just then I looked and noticed Linda and Brian standing in front of me just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran into the street to avoid their attacks before I continued on my mission.

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