Chapter 1

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Coltons POV

I swipe the condensation of the mirror and attempt to fix my hair, my brown hair looks shaggy and definitely needs a cut. I fix it to the best of my ability and practically run down the stairs, "Hey man you ready?" Brett looks annoyed at me. "Yeah, we can go" I laugh "You're a woman, how can one guy take that long to get ready." Brett jokes and starts the car

"Wait! You guys forgot me" Grayson yells

Brett presses the gas moving his truck down the street fast enough to make Grayson run to catch up, "Brett come on!" Grayson yells while panting. My roommates are the best guys, but it's fun to play around every once in a while.

Grayson finally catches up and launches himself into the bed of the truck. There was a huge thud of where Grayson's body fell. "Wow man I didn't know you could run that fast!" brett yells Grayson rolls his eyes and lays down on his back catching his breath. Brett looks at me "So you looking to meet anyone here tonight?" he and his girlfriend have been together for ages, it's my goal, to look at someone and have so much love for them, knowing you'd follow them anywhere, but I'll never tell Brett that. It's a new year, classes start tomorrow, and maybe there will be someone for me, maybe not but I know I'm not good at being single, that's for sure. "I don't know man, I'm getting tired of the hookups, I mean not that I do it that often at all but, they all get annoying and clingy." brett scoffs "you're the clingiest person ive ever met, how could you not like clingy?" I shrug laughing at him. We both know I am kind of clingy when it comes to girls. "Maybe someone will catch my eye." Brett stops the car suddenly I almost choke from my seatbelt, we hear a huge thud "Ow! What the shit guys?" we both start laughing so hard Brett almost starts choking on his redbull. He parks the car and we head over to the hockey house. We normally don't go to these types of parties, hockey parties I mean, but Grayson wanted to meet a girl here so I guess there's a first for everything. The house is booming with music, there are plastic cups and empties all over the lawn and there are a few of our teammates standing on the porch, brett and Grayson are both linebackers with me being the quarterback. "Hey guys what's up?!" an offensive lineman shouts, "sup Brady!" I shake his hand and we all hang out for a bit talking about practice today. "Did you guys hear about the new quarterback that signed with Georgia?" one of my teammates asks. "Yeah, he's a fucking beast, he makes me nervous for the game next week," Brett announces, out of everyone on the team, he's the most honest, the most real, that's why we work. I nod my head in agreement. And the guys continue the conversations. I hear some girls walking up the front steps and into the house. A short blonde is at the back of the pack and she whips are head around to check behind her before they walk in. As she glanced back, her blonde hair danced in the breeze, framing her delicate features. Freckles dusted her nose and cheeks, adding a touch of innocence. Those mesmerizing blue eyes, like the ocean on a calm day, held a depth that seemed to draw me in. Her smile, so effortlessly radiant, illuminated everything around her. At that moment, I realized why poetry was invented—to capture the essence of girls like her, whose presence is a symphony of beauty and grace. Her attire, a simple white flowy dress, accentuated her tan and her long, She was a masterpiece in motion, a vision that left me speechless and utterly captivated. "Ellie!" someone yells from inside and then she's gone. "Holy fuck" One of the younger guys puts his drink down on the table beside us and starts walking towards her. "Mine." I stick my hand out blocking his way to her, "Go get her." Brett says with a nod. I walk into the house and immediately get hit with loud rap music, whoever has aux has horrible taste. I dart my eyes around looking for her again. I see the girl she was with by the drink table and then my eyes meet hers again. She was incandescently beautiful, and yet beauty was the last thing I saw. She walked in and my heart started beating for her. I don't know who she is and why ive never seen her before. "Are you going to keep staring at me or what?" she speaks and I can't move. "I uh, Colton" she quirks an eyebrow at me and smiles, holding out her hand "Ellie" she shakes my hand and our touch makes me more addicted than I already was. "Can I um, can I get your phone number?" all of a sudden the music starts blasting even louder and she can't hear me. She shakes her head asking me to repeat it "Can-" "Ellie! Come on let's go!" a brunette comes by and grabs her pulling her away. My phone vibrates and I see a text from Brett, "come on let's go, this shit is boring."

I head back out to the front and we get in the truck, grayson apparently did find that girl so he's off doing something his mother wouldn't like. We start driving back home and Brett seems annoyed. "Sorry I ran off, I just-" "I completely get it, she was gorgeous, I mean don't tell summer I said that but" I laugh and wave him off, he knows I wouldn't but he's also so in love with summer it doesn't mean anything. He's a good-looking guy, tall blonde hair, muscular, but lord knows how he landed her.

I get in bed and search through Instagram to see if I can find this girl, after about 20 minutes I see a profile with her picture, it's her at the beach hugging her dog, ive never seen anything cuter

Cute? When did I start using that word

I drift off to sleep thinking about her 

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