Chapter 12

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Coltons POV

I made a decision I might regret but, here we are. 

The tension simmered in the air as we approached the hockey tunnels, Brett and Grayson flanking me on either side. I had called them earlier, explaining the situation with Jacob and the picture of Ellie. They didn't hesitate to stand by my side, ready to confront Jacob and defend Ellie.

As we rounded the corner, we spotted Jacob and his teammates gathered near the entrance of the hockey hallway. Jacob was animatedly showing something on his phone to his teammates, a smug grin plastered on his face. My blood boiled at the sight of him, flaunting the picture of him taking advantage of Ellie.

I motioned for Brett and Grayson to follow my lead, and we approached Jacob with determined strides. His expression shifted from arrogance to surprise as he realized we were there, and his teammates fell silent, sensing the tension in the air.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, ladies?" Jacob tried to play it cool, but there was a hint of unease in his voice.

I stepped forward, my voice carrying a steely edge. "You know damn well what this is about, Jacob. That picture of Ellie you posted?"

He scoffed, attempting to brush it off. "Oh, come on, Colton. It was just a joke."

"A joke about taking advantage of a drunk girl? I wonder how your coach would react to that?" Grayson interjected, his voice dripping with disdain.

Brett stepped closer, his towering frame adding to the intimidation factor. "Take it down, Jacob. Now."

Jacob hesitated a stubborn glint in his eyes. "Or what? You think you can intimidate me?"

I look to Brett and Grayson on either side of me and smirk. Jacob came sprinting towards me, his punches fast and aggressive. I dodged and weaved, I countered his throws. One well-timed jab caught him off guard, and I followed up with a powerful punch straight to the jaw that sent him reeling against the tunnel wall. His momentary disorientation was all I needed. I unleashed a barrage of punches, each one landing with the force of determination behind it, thinking only of what he did to Ellie. Jacob fought back, but I could see the weariness creeping into his movements.

I maneuvered him into a corner, my instincts guiding every move as I delivered a relentless series of blows. With one final, decisive strike, I sent Jacob crashing to the ground. "Stay there you fucking pig," Brett says with a kick to the ribs. wiping the sweat from my face I crouch down and put my lips up to jacobs ear, "Look at her, come near her, or even think about her again, ill fucking kill you." As we walked away from the confrontation, a surge of possessiveness and protectiveness surged through me. I couldn't stand the thought of anyone hurting Ellie, and I was willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe. "I'll drive" Grayson reaches out for my keys and I nod. My knuckles are all bloody and sore. Ellie is not going to like this.

Back at the house, I found Ellie sitting in the living room with Millie, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her face when she saw me. I leaned down and pulled her into a tight hug, her arms reaching around my neck. whispering in her ear, "I took care of Jacob, sweetheart. He won't bother you again." she glanced at my knuckles and looked up at me with tear-filled eyes, a mixture of hurt and appreciation in her gaze. 

At that moment, I knew I would do anything to protect her, to make her feel safe and loved. And as I held her close, the fire in my chest burned with a fierce determination to always be there for her, no matter what.

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