Chapter 20

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Coltons POV

As I pulled up to Ellie's place, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her waiting by the curb. She looked stunning in leggings that hugged her curves and a royal blue tank top that made her skin glow like moonlight on water. Her freckles stood out against the backdrop of her smooth complexion, adding to her natural allure.

I couldn't help but notice the delicate gold jewelry adorning her wrists and neck, catching the evening light. Every piece seemed to compliment her beauty in ways words could never capture. I note that she only wears gold jewelry, after all, Christmas is coming soon.

"Hey, gorgeous," I greeted her, stepping out of the car to meet her. The air seemed charged with anticipation, a kind of tension I can't explain that runs between us as our eyes met.

"Hey, Colton," she replied, a soft smile gracing her lips. "You look great." I offered her my arm, savouring the warmth of her touch as she linked her fingers with mine. The excitement in Ellie's voice was palpable as she asked, "Where are we going?" I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm as I turned the truck onto the winding trail. "I am taking you on a date... We're going on a hike, to the waterfall, the one you've been talking about." I replied, anticipation bubbling in my chest.

Ellie's eyes widened with excitement, her whole demeanour radiating joy. "Oh my god! I can't wait!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "Ive never been on a date." I grab her hand and put it in my lap. "That sweetheart, is why I'm going to blow your mind with this one."

Parking the truck, I take ellies hand in mine and we start up the trail. As we hiked up the side of the hill, the path meandering through a lush forest alive with the songs of birds and the rustle of leaves, time seemed to slow down, allowing us to soak in the beauty of the journey. After about an hour of winding trails, we reached the top of the waterfall, and the sight that greeted us took Ellie's breath away. Her eyes widened in amazement as she took in the majestic cascade of water, the sunlight creating prisms of colour in the mist. "This is beautiful Colton." I couldn't resist capturing the moment, so I sneakily took a picture of her, her awe-struck expression a testament to the wonder of nature. "Let's go see the wishing stones," I suggested, leading Ellie to the edge of the pool where smooth stones lay scattered. I pass her one, "Make a wish and kiss the stone, then throw it in." As we stood by the waterfall, with the cool mist kissing our skin and the rush of water filling the air. I wished for Ellie. Ellie will be mine forever, and allow me to love her until the day I die. It was a simple yet profound desire, one that resonated deep within my soul as I watched her marvel at the beauty around us. I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness as we both made wishes and tossed the stones into the water below.

"You have no idea how happy I am with you, Ellie," I confessed, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and bringing her lips to mine. The moment was filled with a sweetness that words couldn't fully capture. Kissing her, moving our lips over one another, I hope this is never-ending. She pulls away. Ellie smiled, her eyes sparkling with affection. "What did you wish for?" she giggled, her playful curiosity making my heart swell. "I can't tell you that, sweetheart," I teased, "or it won't come true." She pouted playfully, and we walked back down the trail hand in hand. 

"So.. what do you want to do tonight?" I think over my plans and tell her. "Everyone back at my place, do you want to do something with them? Or just us?" she shrugs. "I mean, I was kind of hoping to be alone with you but, I'll do whatever you want." I pull her into my side as we walk to the truck. "Being alone with you sounds just fine to me."

We finally get back to the house and greet everyone before going upstairs. Ellie sets her things down on my bed and heads to the washroom. Her phone dings so I pick it up "Ellie your phone-" i yell out. I stop myself looking at the message on her phone. It's my post from the waterfall. A random account with a bunch of letters and numbers was sent it to her. I click on the message and open it, "his interest in you isn't going to last long at all. I'll make sure of it." who the fuck is this? I scroll up seeing more messages, calling Ellie awful names. "Yeah?" she comes back in and sees me on her phone. "What is it?" I show her the message. "How long have you been getting these?" she sighs sitting down on the bed. "Since the day we went to the hill over the stadium." that was a month ago now. "Ellie, you should told me." I pull her into my lap. "I know, I just didn't really know how to bring it up." I hug her tightly. "You're not alone sweetheart, let me help you." she nods. "I know I'm sorry." I brush her hair away from her face. 

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