Chapter 13

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Ellies POV

As I dried my hair after a refreshing shower, my thoughts raced through my body, creating so much anxiety. I hear a knock at the door so I quickly change into sweat shorts and a hoodie, I rush down, wrap the towel around my damp hair and head downstairs to answer the knock, her heart thudding against her ribs in anticipation. Opening the door, I was met with Colton's warm smile, a sight that never failed to send a flurry of butterflies dancing in my stomach. "So you're showing up at my door with flowers and food now?" I ask, a playful grin tugging at my lips as I try to mask the uncertainty butterflies.

Colton's laughter was like a melody that soothed my nerves. "Don't be confused" he said softly, his eyes locking with mine. "Let me be good to you." He pulled me in for a hug and I inhaled the scent of his cologne. Feeling his muscles underneath his t-shirt. My breath caught at his words, my mind racing with questions and emotions. What did this gesture mean? Was it just friendship, or was there something more beneath the surface? I nodded slowly, my curiosity piqued as I agreed to join him on whatever surprise he had planned. I got in his truck and he reached over to turn on the radio. My phone dings so I check to make sure it's nothing important. It's from Instagram. I click the notification and it's from a random account. "He's my bitch, find someone else." is written in the DM. What? Suddenly Colton was singing at the top of his lungs, "C'mon Ellie, sing with me," "Country roads, take me home!" he screamed louder. I steal glances from Colton, his eyes lighting up with every lyric, his smile infectious. For the first time, I had found myself mesmerized by his presence, his easy charm melting my hesitancy towards him bit by bit.

Arriving at Colton's house was like stepping into a scene from a heartwarming movie. The living room had been transformed into a cozy fort, complete with fairy lights and blankets strewn about the living room, I'm pretty sure some were being held on by hockey tape but he tried. Laughter filled the air as Millie, Garrett, Brett, Summer and Grayson were arguing over what movie to watch, They settled on watching "Divergent," a movie Millie had insisted on, and I snuggled into a pile of cushions, feeling a sense of belonging amidst the laughter and chatter. I have never had a group of friends like this, Colton's presence beside her was both comforting and exhilarating, his arm casually draped over the back of the couch around me.

Later in the evening, as the movie wound down and friends began to disperse, Colton asked me to go for a drive with him. Under the starlit sky, we drove around listening to Colton's favourite playlist, half of which was filled with Taylor Swift. "So, where are you bringing me? Or was it just a lie and you're kidnapping me?" Colton laughs placing a hand on my thigh, "Just wait and see sweetheart." 

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