Chapter 2

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Ellie's POV

Last weekend was insane, Millie and Garrett tried getting it on in the bathroom at the party and one of the hockey guys tried to kick them out. Garrett happens to be on the football team and the hockey players tend not to like them, although ive never really met any other than Garrett. I can't stop thinking about Colton, normally id be uninterested in a jock but something about him intrigues me, other than the fact that he's probably 6'4 with sandy brown hair and a gorgeous smile. I try not to think about it, he probably just wants another girl to add to his list and I can not be one of them. "Ellie, what about this?" Millie runs into my room showing me her 5th outfit change, this time it's a little pink dress with white shoes and a white purse. "I like it, it's cute." Millie rolls her eyes and growls walking back down to her room "You've said that for all of them!" I laugh looking bad at my computer to finish my notes for my human biology class, I get a notification from my phone that's charging so being the lazy person that I am, I try to stay on my bed while leaning over the edge to grab my phone, I unlock it and see a follow notification from a Colton Riley, his profile is public, showing me that he has over twenty thousand followers, "shocking" I whisper to myself. I scroll through the endless amount of football pictures and swipe out of his account, "Nope, not me." I sigh and throw my phone across my bed. "What about this one?" Millie walks back in and gives me a spin in a white dress, "Yep that's the one!" I smile and go back to my work thinking about the guy I should never have said hi to, that's what alcohol does to me I guess, makes me overly talkative. I sigh faceplanting onto my bed.

I guess it's getting late, I should probably get ready for bed. I change into a big t-shirt and walk to the bathroom past my roommate Lauren's room, "I can't believe she spoke to him, everyone on this campus knows we have an unspoken thing." Jessica my other roommate agrees, "Hey guys, how was your night?" I ask before I get ready for bed. "It was good but we're super tired, have a good night!" Lauren rolls her eyes and Jessica shuts her door, that's weird, they've never acted like that before. Maybe she's got something going on. walking back to my room I get another notification on my phone, I get into bed and swipe open my Instagram, it's a DM. From Colton. My heart skips a beat, why does he even want to talk to me? I click on his chat, "Hey beautiful" I mean at least it's not gross like I thought it would be. I like I accept the message but don't answer it. He's probably just looking for a hookup and I am not the girl for that. 

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