Chapter 7

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Coltons POV

Oh my god, I didn't know she could look more beautiful. But she found a way. I walk down the steps and get my head together, I'm going to talk to her tonight. I step in front of Garrett and lean down towards her. "Hey! Do you want a drink or something?" I look down at her little freckles and have to stop myself from touching them where they dance across her face. "Um, maybe one?" She smiles up at me, and she has dimples. Fuck. That smile could get her anything she wanted. Anything. I grab her hand and walk her over to the kitchen to grab her something. I pull a case of coolers out of the cupboard, I know where the guys keep their stash that hasn't been touched by any creeps. "You seem like a cherry kind of girl to me" She nods and I grab one checking to make sure the seal hasn't been broken. I pop it open and give it to her. "Thank you" I nod my head and take her back over to her friend. "It's insane in here!" I can't hear her. "Say that again sweetheart" I drop my head down so she can whisper it to me. "It's crazy in here! Ive never been to a party like this." I nod pulling her towards me "They are fun but they definitely get to be alot." I raise my head back up and see the hockey team walk through the door. 

Who invited them? I look over at Grayson and he shrugs his shoulders at me. Some of them are good guys, friends of ours even but the rest of them, especially Jacob, who we don't associate with. "Ellie, come here please." she does as she's told and stands behind me walking towards Millie. "Well dont stop the party guys!" Jacob yells, the music turns back on and people continue to be their drunk selves. "Who told you, you were welcome Jacob?" he smirks "C'mon man, we're just celebrating our school football team, showing support." he nods his head at Ellie and gives her a once over. The look in his eyes grows hungry and stands in front of her, "Katies probably out back, you should go find her." he nods and heads out. A few hours pass and everyones dancing and having a good time, even Ellie looks comfortable. Give Me Everything plays on the speakers and Ellie starts screaming with Millie. Garrett grabs Millie they start moving to the music, Ellie is now partnerless so I grab her hands and do my best to "girl dance." We jump around and she looks so in the moment, she looks free, her hands lace around my neck and we slow down she turns around and her ass touches my cock. I'm immediately hard for her and she having the time of her life, so I just watch i let her move how she wants and do what she wants with me she spins back around to face me and runs her hand through her hair. God all i want to do is kiss her, feel her, be able to touch her and make her mine. 

She smiles leaning up towards me our lips are almost touching and she has this cheeky grin plastered over her face, "I'm going pee!" she yells and disappears. I'm left hard in the middle of the living room surrounded by strangers. I follow after her because Millie is off tp the side which means she's alone. It takes me w hile to get to the bottom of the stairs and I'm stopped by Brett. "You're a smitten little kitten aren't you." I shove him and he starts laughing as I try and get past loads of people crowding the stairs. I see a couple of the hockey guys at the top of the stairs and push passed them. "I told you to get away from me, what part of you thinks that's an invitation to keep talking to me." It's Ellie, she turns around and Jacob grabs her hard and pins her to the wall, there's another wave of people I'm trying to reach her. He holds his hand across her stomach and leans her up against the wall whispering something to her "Jacob, get the fuck off her." she looks terrified, but her eyes ease when they find mine, he backs up with his hands in the air. I gently place Ellie into my arms and tuck her behind me. "What the fuck are you doing man? You're lucky I haven't beat the shit out of you for even going near her.' Jacob smirks and walks past me, "Yeah man, whatever," he pauses and turns back before he heads downstairs, "Call me whenever baby." Ellie gags from behind me "Are you okay? Did he touch you?" she shakes her head but her eyes are watering. "Come on." I take her hand and bring her through one of the guy's rooms and our to the roof. "Wow, I didn't know you could get up here." she shivers wrapping her arms around herself. I take off my hoodie and give it to her. She throws it on. "Well that was quick" She laughs and lays back on the roof so I follow. "Thank you, for helping me." she tilts her head to the side looking at me. She had this way of making ordinary moments extraordinary. She rolled back to look at the sky but I stayed watching her. I've never seen anyone as captivating as. She held a kind of magic, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. It was like she could speak volumes without uttering a single word. "Ellie?" she turns back to look at me, those bright blue eyes staring so curiously, "Mmh?" I breathe out heavily, "Why were you crying the other day?" she looks back at the sky and I see a tear fall from her eye, i wipe it with my thumb and place my hand gently on the side of her face i turn her towards me. "Do you know who Lauren Hawthorne is?" the name sounds familiar but I can't place it. I shake my head no. "Well she's one of my roommates, and... well, she's been going around telling people." she pauses and sits up hugging her knees to her chest. She looks uncomfortable, to say the least. "You know what I should probably go, Millie might be looking for me." I shake my head. "I texted Garrett letting him know I was with you. So sit sweetheart." she scoffs. "Don't call me that." she lays back down. I have to tread carefully with her. "She's been telling people ive slept with a bunch of the hockey guys which, is not true I haven't even-" she takes a breath and daps the tears coming out of her eyes. "The point is it's not true, and Jacob came up to me asking when it was his turn next." I sit closer to her. "I won't let him touch you, I promise." she backs up and scoffs at me. "You've known me for like a day Colton, why do you care?" I couldn't tell her I fell for her the first time I saw her, that I pictured a thousand futures with her, or that I knew I'd make her mine. "Because I want to be your friend... you look like you could use one." she lets out a little laugh mixed with a cry. "I don't think it's easy to be friends, with me Colton, you wouldn't last a day."

"You underestimate me, sweetheart. I'd be here forever if it meant I finally got you to be my friend."

"We both know you want more than that, and I am not the girl to give that to you." she stands up and almost slips but I catch her and pull her into the space between my legs. "You know what Ellie, I may be a football player but that doesn't mean I'm a shit person. I'm deciding right now, just because you hate the idea so much." she sits up close to my face, and I slowly tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'm going to be here for you, Ellie. No matter what. I want to be your friend, someone you can trust." Ellie looked at me, a mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes. "Really? And what's in it for you?" she laughs I smile at the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. "Proving to you that I'm not an asshole. We're going to be best friends sweetheart, just you wait." 

And in that moment, as we sat under the starlit sky, I knew that this conversation was the start of something special. It was the start of me making her mine. 

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