Chapter 5

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It's been almost two weeks into the school year and we have our first game today, "Riley!" I turn around from the bench and stand when I hear my coach's voice. "The scouts from the Jaguars and Rams are here today. Bring your A game, they'll be watching you closely." I nod my head "Yes coach" Fixing my helmet I line up with the rest team at our entrance tunnel patting Brett and Grayson on the back while I walk to the front. The confetti cannons sound and we run out of the tunnel screaming. I look into the crowd and try to find my mom. But then my eyes met Ellie's and she looked happy, I hadn't seen her happy like that since the first night I met her. She's holding a sign with the brunette next to her that says I love #8 "Yo Garrett is that your girl?" he nods with a smile "Yeah man, the light of my life right there." 

He kisses his fingers and holds them to his while pointing at her with his other hand. She smiles and screams for him. All I can think is, I want that, I want to belong to someone that way, have someone support me that way. He looks at her like he just realized what love is. Someone shoves me "Come on." Brett motions to the sidelines before we start. Focus Colton, focus. A few minutes later the game whistle blew and started the quarter. I back up with the ball looking for an opening to for Garrett, I launch the ball downfield and Garrett catches it at the last second, rolling onto the ground. First touchdown. This team is insane, time passes and I feel my body grow tired, my muscles are burning with every step I'm taking, it's the last play I'm going to be able to make, I can't find Garrett through all these guys, so I hold onto the ball tucking it into myself, put my head down and run. Brett comes into my vision blocking one of the defensive end players from Georgia, I sprint as fast as my legs can take me, feeling the burning sensations spreading over my body, "come on, come on" I dive over another player into the endzone. The speakers announce "Winning touchdown for the California University Wolves!" the crowd goes crazy and my teammates dogpile me one by one. "That was badass Riley." Grayson grabs my hand and pulls me up. I nod patting him on the back and celebrate with my team, people start coming down from the bleachers and I see Ellie walking over the brunette runs up to Garrett hugging him. I smile at Ellie and she blushes, giving me a small smile back. "Congrats baby!" Garrett brings them over, "This is Millie my girlfriend and her best friend Ellie." I nod smiling at Ellie, "We met at the hockey party, I don't know if you remember," she smirks "Oh I remember Colton." there it is again, my name coming out of that sweet mouth. What I wouldn't do to that pretty little mouth is another question. "So I'll see you two at the party tonight?" Millie nods "You definitely will." she kisses Garrett and walks away. I watch Ellie with her little white skirt and navy blue crop top. My god she's gorgeous, she's more than beautiful, she encompasses all that beauty is. "Guess you'll see her tonight then won't you," Garrett smirks patting my shoulder and jogging to the changeroom. Guess I will

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