Chapter 27

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Coltons POV

Soon after she's fast asleep, her head rising and falling with my breaths, someone slowly opens my door and I see Millie pop her head in, and I give her a little wave. She sees Ellie sleeping "How is she?" Millie whispers, I shake my head. "Not good" I mouth to her. Millie almost starts crying but covers her mouth and leaves the room. At some point, I fell asleep too but I woke up to Ellie screaming bloody murder, I opened my eyes and im smacked in the face by a small fist. "Ellie!" I grab her hands to stop her from flailing around and hold her close to me. "Ellie it's just a dream! Ellie, it's okay, you're with me." her breath slows and she opens her eyes. She looked shocked as if she didn't know I was there. "Im sorry, I- i just" 

"Don't be sorry baby, im here, you're safe." she sniffles and Millie comes rushing into the room. "Was that you screaming Ellie?!" she nods trying to wipe her eyes from the tears, but she's just making them more red. "Oh Ellie." Millie sits down on my bed hugging her. "I just keep seeing green eyes, bright green eyes, it doesn't make sense." I look at Millie and she's just as scared as I am. "Ellie you were really drunk, maybe it's your brain trying to help you remember what happened?" she lays back down and opens her phone, almost ignoring everyone. She scrolls through her phone she sits up and I look at her.

"It's him," she passes me the phone. Jessica her roommate posted a picture with Jacob. "Im going to fucking kill him." I stand up seeing nothing but red, fucking rage. Ive never been this angry in my entire life, never this scared of not being able to hold back. 

"Guys! Let's go." the guys stand up and follow me out to the truck, I probably shouldn't be driving right now but I don't fucking think. "We're going to Jacobs aren't we,"

 Garrett asks. I nod reversing out of the driveway and speeding there. We hop out and I practically sprint up to the door bursting it open, and finding Jacob on the couch. "You fucking piece of shit!" Jacob stands up backing into the corner, "what the fuck are you doing here?" he yells back. I throw my fist to his face and hit him right in the nose, hearing a crunch and he falls back with his head hitting the wall. " you roofied my fucking girlfriend, you piece of shit," he throws his hands up in front of his face shaking his head, "no I swear, I didn't, I swear." brett scoffs from behind me, one of his roommates comes running up the stairs from the basement. "The fuck is going on here?" it's one of the guys I know, one of the only decent ones. 

"He roofied Ellie," I tell him. Cole looks at me with surprise, "no I didn't! I only saw her going to the bathroom last night while I was walking into a room with Jessica. I swear," I back up and look at Garrett, he gets out his phone and texts Millie what we just heard. "Then why did she say she remembers seeing you, she had a fucking nightmare about it." Jacob shakes his head and pinches his nose trying to stop the bleeding, "I didn't man, I swear, we have playoffs soon and this is exactly what I was trying to avoid... I swear." he groans and I look to Cole. "He was with Jessica like the whole night and they snuck off together." I groan running my hands over my face. "Fuck!" I scream, brett grabs onto my shoulders and tries to calm me down. "Then who the fuck did this? Care to explain that to me?" I ask him he puts his hand back in front of his face. "I don't know man I swear, I heard Jess talking about some pills Lauren had but that's it. I thought they were back into them." 

I nod and walk out nodding to Cole, we get back in the truck and I break down. I've never felt this helpless before, not knowing how to fix this, knowing she must feel disgusted with not knowing what happened. I know it's my fault for leaving her. The guys get into the truck and Brett places a hand on my shoulder. I sit there with my head resting on the wheel, "what the fuck am I supposed to do?" I cry out. "You've done what you can, and you've been there for her, that's all you can do." I sniff trying to hold back any more emotion. I nod and wipe my eyes, situating myself to pull out of the driveway. 

Back at the house, Ellie still hasn't left the spot on my bed. She's crying still, I sit down and pull her onto me. "It wasn't him Ellie..." she chokes out a cry and nods, grabbing onto me and pulling herself closer. "Tell me how to fix this," I beg her, wanting to stop the heartache. 

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