Chapter 15

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Coltons POV

The weeks leading up to the game had been a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation. Practices were intense, strategies were honed, and the pressure was palpable as we geared up to face Arizona, a formidable opponent with playoff aspirations. In the midst of this chaos, Ellie was there for me. Her presence brought a sense of calm amidst the storm of competition. I found myself stealing moments with her whenever I could, even if I was sacrificing my sleep for her, I cherished every conversation, every smile exchanged between us.

As game day approached, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. This was a crucial match, not just for our team's standings but for the scouts eyeing my performance. Winning against Arizona meant more than just a victory on the scoreboard; it meant proving ourselves as contenders, as a team capable of rising to the occasion when it mattered most. I needed to show the scouts that I was capable of winning. I reached out to Ellie, asking her to come to my game. The image of her wearing my jersey, cheering for me from the stands, fueled my determination. Millie, always supportive, gladly helped arrange everything, ensuring Ellie had the perfect spot to watch the game and had my jersey.

The sirens blare and the music plays. Its time. As we entered the tunnels, the energy was electric. The cheers from the crowd reverberated through the air, adding to the adrenaline coursing through my veins. And then I saw her—Ellie, standing out in the sea of fans. The short white skirt she wore with my navy blue and white jersey hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her toned abs. She is the most gorgeous girl in the stands.

The game was a battle from start to finish. Every play was fiercely contested, every touchdown hard-earned. I played with a fire in my heart, fueled by the desire to make Ellie proud and to show her the passion and dedication I brought to the game.

When the final whistle sounded, we emerged victorious by 2 points. I'm tackled to the ground by Garrett. "Holy fuck bro! We did it!" he smacks my chest. the knowledge that Ellie had witnessed it all made the win even sweeter. As Ellie and Millie dashed down to the football field, their excitement was infectious. Ellie's eyes lit up as she spotted me, and she charged over with Millie in tow, yelling my name at the top of her lungs.

"Colton!" Ellie exclaimed, waving her arms enthusiastically.

I couldn't help but laugh at her exuberance, jogging over to meet them. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my adoring fans," I teased, a playful smile on my lips.

"You were amazing out there!" Ellie gushed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

I grinned, taking in her outfit. Grabbing her hand and spinning her around. "And look at you, rocking my jersey like a pro," I complimented, gesturing to the navy blue and white fabric that hugged her figure perfectly. Allowing me to see her ass in that skirt was probably the highlight of my day.

Ellie blushed, clearly pleased by the compliment. "Thanks, Colton. It means a lot coming from you," she replied, her smile brightening.

"It's true, you look beautiful," I added, sincerity lacing my words as I looked at her.

Ellie beamed at the compliment, a warm glow spreading across her cheeks. "You're too sweet," she said, leaning in for a quick hug.

I lean down and brush her blonde hair out of the way, whispering in her ear. "It's not every day I get to see my girl cheering me on from the sidelines," I said, a touch of affection in my voice as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Millie chuckled, whispering to me, "You two are adorable."

Ellie blushes at Millie's words. 

I said goodbye to the girls and went back to the house with some other guys from the team. As we lounged around after the game, the room filled with the buzz of victory and camaraderie. Grayson, always the one to stir up conversations, leaned in as we played video games.

"So, Colton," he began with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "what's the deal with you and Ellie? You two seem pretty close lately."

I chuckled, knowing where this was headed. "Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time together," I admitted, focusing on the screen but sensing Grayson's curious gaze.

He raised an eyebrow, prompting me to continue. "You know, it's not every day you see a girl rock your jersey like she does," I said with a grin, recalling how stunning Ellie looked in my navy blue and white. Grayson leaned back, nodding knowingly. "She did look good in it," he agreed, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "But you don't think you want to you know, look at other options?" I shake my head. "It's more than just that," I added, setting down my controller for a moment. "Ellie, she's different. She's not just another option for me. She's the one I want, the one who makes everything feel right."

There was a brief pause as Grayson took in my words, the seriousness in my tone contrasting with the playful banter of our gaming session. "So, what's next then?" he asked, genuine curiosity lacing his question. I shrugged, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I guess we'll see where it goes. But I know one thing for sure—I want Ellie by my side."

Grayson nodded a hint of approval in his expression. "Well, if anyone can make it work, it's you, man," he said with a grin, returning to the game with renewed focus. No matter what the future holds, I know that having her in my life was something special, something worth cherishing.

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