Chapter 10

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Ellie's POV

I wake up to the soft rays of morning sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. As I slowly open my eyes, I find myself looking at Colton, who's still asleep beside me with an arm thrown over my chest. "Did we fall asleep together? I whisper to myself.

His sandy brown hair is tousled, and the sunlight catches the lighter strands, giving it a golden hue. His darker brows furrow slightly even in sleep, adding a touch of intensity to his otherwise peaceful expression. His masculine face, with its chiselled jawline and stubbled chin, looks remarkably serene as he rests. The gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath, the way his lips curve ever so slightly in a relaxed smile, and the way his lashes cast delicate shadows on his cheeks.

Despite his usual confident and energetic demeanour, seeing him like this, vulnerable and at ease, creates a sense of intimacy and tenderness. As I watch Colton sleep peacefully beside me, my mind drifts back to last night. We had spent hours studying together, our conversation flowing effortlessly from one topic to another.

There was a comfort in his presence, a warmth that made me feel at ease. But as the night progressed, I couldn't shake off the growing realization that my feelings for Colton were evolving. it was something deeper, something that tugged at my heartstrings in a way I hadn't experienced before, something I don't know if I could handle. I want to let him in, to share these thoughts and feelings with him, but I'm hesitant. I don't know how he'll react when he sees what I do. There's a part of me that longs to explore this newfound connection, to see where it might lead. But there's also a lingering fear of risking what we already have, of potentially losing the comfort and familiarity we share so early in this friendship.

"Ugh creep" he opens his eyes looking right back at me. I laugh rolling over to check my phone. Millie texted me 30 times, "oh god." Colton jolts up, "What?!" concern evident in his voice. Before I could explain, Millie rushed into the room with Garrett, her expression grave. "Ellie, look at this," she said urgently, showing me a photo on Instagram. My heart sank as I saw the image of me on Jacob's lap, he was trying to kiss me and I was pulling away, although the photo just makes it look like we're kissing. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, a mix of shame and regret flooding through me. Colton's eyes turned from confusion to fury as he processed the situation. "I thought you said you didn't know him," he accused, his voice tinged with disappointment and anger. "You told me the night of the party you didn't know him." I didn't know what to say, I just froze, holding Jacob's account in my hand.

Millie and Garrett jumped in, their voices blending with mine, trying to diffuse the tension and provide context. "It was a mistake, Colton. Ellie didn't know he would do that," Millie pleaded, her eyes pleading for understanding. At that moment, everything felt fragile. The fear of losing the comfort and trust we have so far between us gnawed at me. Millie's supportive words and Garrett's attempts to mediate only added to the whirlwind of emotions. As Colton stood there, conflicted and hurt, I couldn't help but wish for a way to undo my mistake and preserve what we had before it slipped away. As the tension in the room grew palpable, I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I turned to Colton, desperation evident in my voice as I tried to explain. "Colton, I was drunk that night. I had no idea Jacob would do something like that. He took advantage of me, and I couldn't stop him," I pleaded, my eyes searching his for a flicker of understanding.

Millie nodded vigorously, her expression mirroring my distress. "It's true, Colton. Ellie was a mess that night, it was the first time she even touched alcohol and Jacob knew it. He saw an opportunity and took advantage," she added, her voice carrying a mix of anger and frustration.

Garrett chimed in again, his tone soft but insistent. "Colton, you know Ellie wouldn't lie about something like this. " he reasoned, his words echoing Millie's plea for understanding.

Colton's expression softened slightly, but the hurt and betrayal still lingered in his eyes. "I get it, Ellie. But seeing that picture... It's hard to shake off," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes as I realized the gravity of the situation. "I'm sorry, Colton. I should have told you" I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Millie stepped forward, her hand on my shoulder in a gesture of support. "We'll figure this out, Ellie," she reassured me, her voice gentle yet determined. Shat sat down hugging me.

Colton storms out of the room with his hands in fists, Garrett chasing after him.

Despite the turmoil and uncertainty, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that I had jeopardized what little we had between us. I prayed that he would find it in his heart to forgive me and understand that I never meant for any of this to happen.

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