Epilogue Part 1

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Ellie's POV

The past few months have been a whirlwind of changes and emotions. Colton signed with the Rams, graduated, and I completed my third year, making the switch to online schooling as we had discussed. Wedding planning has been put on hold for another year, but our lives are still filled with excitement and anticipation. Millie and Garrett also bought a house down the street from us. Garret ended up being drafted by the LA Rams as well. So it's nice to have Millie with me.

As Colton comes in from the bathroom and lays beside me, showering me with kisses, I can't help but feel a surge of love and happiness. "Good morning, my beautiful fiancé," he whispers, his hand gently resting on my belly. His excitement is palpable as he stares at me,

"I felt him! Sweetheart! he kicked for me." His eyes sparkle with joy, and I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. With his hand on my belly, we both experience the wonder of feeling our baby move. Colton's grin widens as he repeats the gentle slide of his hand, relishing in the connection with our little one. "That was the coolest thing I've ever experienced," he exclaims, his love for our unborn child evident in every word. He kneels in front of me, 

"Please kick again little guy," I whisper to our baby, feeling a wave of gratitude and love for this moment with Colton.

The baby now refuses to move and Colton laughs. "That's what I get for having to leave for practice." I place my hands on his face and pull him down to me. "Thank you for supporting us baby," I tell him, I appreciate him more than anything. "Of course, sweetheart, it's my job and I'll be happy to do it until the day I die." he kisses my head.

Despite the challenges of the past weeks, including Colton missing some of the baby's first kicks due to his intense training, we find solace in each other's presence. He helps me up and leads me to the kitchen, where he's already prepared breakfast. Colton's mom joins us, her presence adding warmth and support to our home. Having her here is a blessing, especially with my own parents' distance since they learned about my pregnancy. They have sent gift baskets and money but what's different? I would hate missing out on this if it were my kid, but I didn't expect any different. This child will know nothing but love and support from me.

"Are you ready for the ultrasound today?" I ask Colton, hoping to share my excitement with him. He groans slightly and mutters something under his breath before pulling out his phone to text someone. I assume it's his coach, asking for permission to leave for the appointment.

"Now I am," he says, looking up with a smile that melts away any worries I had. "I'll drive, Ellie, and I. We'll wait for you there," I assure him, grabbing Nicole's hand in mine as we head out. Nicole has been like a mother to me, filling a void I didn't realize I had until she came into our lives. Her presence brings me comfort and support, especially on days like today.

Later in the day, we arrive at the appointment, and Colton is running a bit late, about twenty minutes. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Coach kept me," he apologizes as he rushes in, his concern and excitement palpable. He takes my hand, and we walk into the room together. The ultrasound technician sets everything up, and soon, we see our baby on the screen.

The ultrasound room is serene, with soft lighting and gentle music playing in the background. The technician explains each step of the process, her soothing voice easing my nerves. Colton stands by my side, holding my hand tightly, his eyes filled with anticipation and love.

"And right here, we can see that you're having a baby boy," the technician announces, pointing out the telltale signs. Colton's reaction is priceless. He throws his hands up in the air, shouting in joy, "No way! Oh my god, we're having a boy!" His happiness is infectious, and I can't help but smile, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

He leans down, holding our foreheads together, his eyes filled with love and wonder. "Look at you, growing my boy," he whispers, his voice filled with pride and adoration. He kisses my forehead gently, and I feel a tear of joy running down my face. In this moment, surrounded by love and anticipation, I know that our journey as parents is just beginning, and I couldn't be happier to share it with Colton by my side.

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