Chapter 16

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Coltons POV

I woke up and rolled out of bed, looking out the window. As the morning sun painted the sky in soft hues of orange and pink, I found myself filled with a sense of anticipation after our first kiss, knowing she had done nothing. That moment in the truck last night, getting to have her that way only makes me want her more, In every way. Ellie was everything I could ever want. Innocent, sweet, a good girl who does what she is told. I pick up my phone and see a text from Brett. "Beach day?" I text back agreeing and asking Ellie if she would want to join. Taking the lead, I organized the essentials - beer, and snacks, lots of snacks.

 I drove over to Ellie's house waiting for them on the driveway, I was so happy Ellie agreed to this. They filed out of the house one by one. As they got in my truck I teased Garrett about his rubber duck bathing suit, laughter rippled through our group. Millie made sure nothing was overlooked, meticulously checking the cooler and ensuring we had all we needed for a perfect beach outing. Then there was Ellie, radiant in a flowing white cover-up that accentuated her natural beauty. Loading up the truck, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Seeing Ellie's anticipation mirrored in her eyes, I knew this day would be special. "I'm so excited!" Millie grabs Garrett and starts shaking him. "Oh gosh Millie, he's not going to make it to the beach." I laugh. Placing my hand on Ellie's thigh and we started the drive. Garrett gives me a smirk that I catch in the review mirror. After about 20 minutes we find a spot to park. Hopping out I walk around the truck and help Ellie down, she smiles and walks towards the truck bed. I quickly grab her hips and pull her back towards me. Gripping her tightly I lean down and whisper in her ear. "You look stunning sweetheart." I kiss the side of her head and brush my fingers in between her legs. "You look pretty good yourself." her face is red, and she smiles walking away from me. After dragging everything out to the beach we see Brett and Summer walking towards us. "Hey, man!" Brett waves back and we lay out towels and set up umbrellas. 

I look over and see Ellia and Millie taking off their cover-ups. My eyes immediately go to Ellie. Her choice of a white bikini with tiny shells on the strings was like something out of a dream, a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. The way the fabric hugged her curves, accentuating every contour, I wanted to reach out and grab her ass so hard. I look back up seeing the two white pieces of fabric holding her tits in place. I'm going to get hard on a beach, full of people. Her toned body showed off how much she works out, I don't know if I can stop looking at her. Suddenly the side of my head is hit with something hard. "Ow!" Brett and Grayson laugh and look over at Ellie. "Oh shut up." Brett pats my back handing me the football. "Let's go play some catch." he insists. We walk away but I look over my shoulder to see Ellie lying down and starting a book. As the sunlight danced on the water, casting a warm glow around her, I couldn't help but be entranced. 

In that moment, she wasn't just Ellie; she was the embodiment of summer itself, a vision of warmth and happiness that filled my heart with joy. Every movement she made seemed effortless, yet each gesture held a grace and elegance that left me spellbound. From the way she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to the way her eyes sparkled with mischief, I couldn't look away from her. "Colton!" Brett yells at me. "Jesus man what's going on with you?" I smile holding the ball in my hand, thinking about the special moments we shared on the hill. Grayson and Garrett look back to Ellie. "Oh this is going to be good," he says. We play catch for a bit while I explain everything, leaving the details to myself. What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't? "So are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?" Grayson asks and Brett looks at me for an answer. "I want to, I just don't want to push her," I tell them. "That's fair, but if you ask, what's the worst she can say? I'm sorry I need more time?"

"Dude! The worst she could say is no!" Grayson laughs at my response. "Ask her today, we'll take everyone else back, you two can stay." I place a hand on the back of my head and think. I mean, she said she would give me a chance, and no matter what she says I'll be by her side. She won't be able to get rid of me. "I'm going to ask her." I nod. We continue throwing for a while and Garrett throws the ball and hits Ellie with it. "Hey!" she yells and throws the ball back. "She just threw a spiral," Garrett yells. "Ellie! Millie! Get over here!" They look at each other and put their books down. I watch every step Ellie takes walking over towards me. Her body swaying with every step, and I'm fully entranced. "What do you oafs want?" Ellie asks. "Play catch with us?" I throw her the ball. We all back up and Ellie pulls her arm back and launches the ball I run down the beach to catch it. "Holy shit!" I yell to her. She shrugs and pulls Millie towards the water. God that girl. "Holy shit man," Garrett comments, they head back to the umbrellas and towels we have set up. I watch Elli and Millie step out of the water and come back towards us. "Can you pass me that?" I look up and see Ellie, drenched with saltwater. Watching the beads of water run down her tits- "Hello?" she looks at me pointing to the towel. "Oh," I grab the towel and hand it to her. She flops down beside me lying in the sun. I lean over on my elbow facing her. "So sweetheart, what are we reading now? More porn?" her face goes red. "Ugh no, just a regular book." I reached out to take the book from Ellie, a playful grin on my face, but she pulled it away with a teasing smirk. "Nope, not this one," she laughed, returning to her reading. I couldn't help but admire her playful spirit, and the way she lit up the moment with her laughter.

I lay down beside her, the warmth of the sun embracing us as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over everything, I couldn't resist the urge to suggest a swim. "Ellie, let's go swimming!" she nods and we run into the waves. She laughs and splashes me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. As we played around in the water, splashing each other like carefree children, I felt a surge of happiness knowing she was by my side. Eventually, I gathered the courage to ask her a question that had been on my mind. "Ellie, you told me you'd..." she laughs, "what did I tell you, Colton?" I sigh bringing my hands over my face. "Will you be my girlfriend...?" I held her close, the water lapping gently around us. She hesitated for a moment, her hand resting on my chest as she played with my gold chain. I look to her eyes waiting for an answer. 

She looks up at me with her blue orbs. "Will you promise not to break my heart?" Her voice was soft, vulnerable. 

"I would never even think of it, sweetheart. Ever. You're mine, remember?" I reassured her, my heart racing with anticipation.

A smile graced her lips as she waded away slightly, looking back at me. "Then yes," she said, the word carrying a world of possibilities. I couldn't contain my excitement for her. I jumped up, screaming "Yes!" The guys on the beach echoed my excitement with enthusiastic cheers and whistles. I picked Ellie up, spinning her around as I hugged her tightly. "I'm going to give you everything," I whispered, my heart overflowing with love and gratitude for this moment and the promise of our future together. I place my hand on her the side of her face, under her jaw and guide her lips to mine. Kissing her with everything I have, wanting to taste her. "God, what are you doing to me?" I pull back smiling at her. We emerged from the water, laughter and joy lingering in the salty air. I couldn't resist the urge to capture this moment, "Hey, buddy, mind taking a photo of us?" Without missing a beat, Brett grabbed the phone and started snapping away. I scooped Ellie into my arms, spinning her around as Brett clicked photo after photo. "Make sure you get my good side, Brett!" I joked, earning a playful eye roll from Ellie.

After a frenzy of photos, Brett passed the phone back to me with a grin. "Looking good, Colton," he quipped, causing Garrett to chime in with a laugh, "Yeah, but Ellie steals the show!" As we headed back to the house, the evening settling in around us, we decided to put on a movie. Ellie snuggled up against me, her head resting on my chest as she drifted off to sleep. I couldn't help but smile, tracing a gentle thumb over her freckles. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through the photos Brett had taken, searching for the perfect one. There it was - Ellie looking at me with that spark in her eyes as I held her up, a moment of pure happiness frozen in time. I make the caption, "2023, September 24th" pressing the post button with a sense of contentment. Putting my phone down, I wrapped my arms around Ellie, falling asleep with the warmth of her presence filling my heart. In that instant, I knew that this day, with Ellie by my side, would be etched in my memory forever. The beach, the sun, and Ellie – it was a scene straight out of a love story, and I was lucky enough to be living it.

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