Chapter 26

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Coltons POV

I check every door and finally get to the one at the end of the hallway. I knock on the door and the door behind me opens, "Hey there, stranger," Lauren greeted me with a sly smile. Weird. "Um, hi. Have you seen Ellie?" I asked, my concern evident in my voice. She shook her head, pretending innocence. "Mmm, nope, haven't seen her... but I did run into you. How have you been?" Lauren asked, seemingly unfazed. "Uh, good, but I'm looking for my girlfriend right now, so I'll catch you later," I replied, trying to dismiss the conversation. However, Lauren grabbed my face and tried to lean in for a kiss, catching me off guard. I instinctively covered her mouth with my hand but I saw the flash from a phone and she held her phone away from me smiling. As Garrett came running up the stairs he yelled to me "She's not down there. Millie and I—what are you two doing?" Garrett's voice interrupted the awkward moment. But He knew I wouldn't cheat on Ellie, he's genuinely confused, as am I. "Lauren was just leaving," I said firmly, giving her a look that made her step back. She walked away, muttering under her breath, "Whatever."

Shaking off the encounter, I told Garrett I was going to check the last room. As I tried to open the door, it got stuck. There was a white shoe blocking it, and I pushed harder, concerned about who might be inside. Finally, the door gave way, and my heart dropped.

"Oh god," I gasped as I saw Ellie lying on the floor, unconscious. "Garrett!" I called out urgently. He rushed over, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

He quickly opened the door wider as I picked up Ellie and rushed her downstairs and outside the house. "Please be okay baby please." I feel a tear fall from my eye. I hold her head close to mine to listen for her breathing until the ambulance comes. Garrett called 911, and soon we were in an ambulance on our way to the hospital. We waited anxiously for the results as I sat by Ellie's side in the hospital bed. "Shell be okay, Someone probably put something in her drink, but you found her before anything else could happen." Millie rubs my back as I rest my head on my hands leaning on my knees. God this chair is uncomfortable. I take a deep breath and rub my eyes. I see the doctor, rushing to stand up I practically chase her down. 

"Hey! Please! I just want to know." the doctor nods. "I know hun. We got her results back, she was drugged, and we found the date rape drug in her system." I choke back a cry and try to listen, "I found her before anything could happen, is there any way to make sure that nothing else really happened?" the doctor shakes her head, "Not until she wakes up, which should be in a few minutes." she walks me into Ellie's room and I look back at millie but the ushers me to go in as Garrett sits with her. "Miss Barlowe." the doctor calls out, ellie slowly turns her head and her eyes flutter open. "Ellie!" I rush over and pull her close kissing her head. "God Ellie." she groans and looks up at me, "what happened?" it comes out as a whisper and she looks to the doctor. The doctor explains everything to Ellie and asks if Ellie remembers anyone pushing themselves on her. "No... I- I don't know, I think I was alone, I went upstairs and I know I was by myself, then when I got to the bathroom, all I remember was spinning and slamming the door behind me." I grabbed Ellie's hand kissing it. "She wasn't apart from me for more than 20 minutes." the doctor looked at me questioningly, I know alot can happen in twenty minutes, she and I both know that. 

"Do you want to get checked, Ellie? What if you can't remember anything?" my heart aches knowing this is my fault, being drunk and not checking her drinks, anyone could've slipped something in it. "No, I don't want anything, i just want to go home." the doctor nods and tells her she can leave when the drug has cleared her system. "Baby im so sorry, this is all my fucking fault, I shouldn't have had anything to drink, I should've been watching," I grab her hands holding them to my mouth, feeling myself choking up. "Come here." she grabs my head and pulls me to her. "This is not your fault Colton, we were both drinking... but I don't remember getting a drink from anyone besides Lauren, and I don't know if she would stoop this low." I shake my head not knowing what to do. "Ellie!" Millie comes bursting hugging Ellie. "Im so glad you're okay," she kisses the side of Ellie's head. "I can't believe this happened," Ellie agrees and they discuss the night. Hours later Ellie is discharged and we get to go home. I push Ellie in the wheelchair out to the truck and lift her into the seat. 

 "Can I stay at your place for a few days?" I close my door and look at her, chilled, still wearing the clothes from last night. "Of course Ellie, you don't ever have to ask." the drive home is silent, Ellie stares out the window the whole time watching the droplets of rain hit the window, we park and I open her door helping her down and covering her in a blanket. "Let's get you showered." Ellie walks ahead of me and straight into the house not looking at anyone else. I pass Brett, Summer, and Grayson and tell them I'll be with Ellie for the next little while, she nods understanding. I look in my room but don't see Ellie, I hear the shower running and open the door, "It's just me sweetheart... do you want me to come in with you?" I hear her sniffling and I strip my clothes down keeping my underwear on, I don't want her to think this is sexual. I just need to help her. I step in and see her sitting on the floor of the tub, crying into her hands. "Colton don't im fine." No, she's not."Come here." she looks up and sees me sitting on the side of the tub. I stand up moving to sit behind her, "You're safe here, with me." I reassure her, but she doesn't say anything, making me question if she believes me of not. "Let me take care of you." she slowly nods and I pull her closer to me gently. 

I place a dollop of her shampoo into my hands and start massaging it through her blonde hair. Trying to be as soft and gentle as I can. I move onto her conditioner and only do the ends like she taught me. Running my fingers through her hair. I rinse her head off, careful not to get anything in her eyes. I turn off the water and hop out grabbing her a towel, I wrap her up and dry her off like my mom did when I was young. "Come on sweetheart, talk to me" Ellie looks up at me, bright red eyes from all the crying, her eyes begging to fill with water again and she starts crying into my chest. "I don't know what happened," she says through many breaths, not having the ability to get out any more words. "I know baby, and im so, so fucking sorry for letting you go by yourself, I will never ever let you out of my sight again." she cries more. "It's not your fault Colton!" she cries out. 

God, I don't even know what to do for her, I don't know how to help this. I bring her into my room and grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie for her. They may be three times her size but, theyre clean and they're mine. I dress her one arm and one leg at a time, i look in the bag of her things she left here the other day and find a brush, i comb her hair gently, careful not to tug on her and toss the brush back into the bag. "Do you want to be alone? Do you want me to stay?" she takes a breath and wipes her eyes, "Um, I want to sleep, but not alone." I nod getting myself dry and throwing on a t-shirt and sweats. "Okay you fall asleep on me, I'll stay here with you." she gets herself into the covers and lays on my chest.

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