Chapter 32

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Coltons POV

It's been two agonizing weeks since Ellie and I started this break, though it felt more like an enforced separation. Every day without her has been a struggle, a constant ache in my chest that refuses to fade. I try to focus on football, but my mind keeps drifting back to her, to the warmth of her smile and the touch of her hand in mine. I can't play properly, I can't sleep, and I can't shake this feeling of emptiness without her by my side. I need her more than ever.

I've been mulling over a plan to win her back, to show her that my love for her hasn't wavered despite the distance between us. It's a risk, but one I'm willing to take because I can't imagine a future without Ellie in it. I called Millie, explaining my idea in detail about setting up the football field with candles and giving her the gift in the second box, the other gift I bought from the same store as her locket.

It takes me a day to meticulously arrange everything, ensuring that every candle is in its place, every detail perfect for this momentous occasion. The football field becomes a canvas for my love, each flickering flame a testament to the passion I feel for Ellie.

As the sun sets and the candles cast their warm glow, I wait nervously for Ellie to arrive. This is it, the moment of truth where our relationship will either find its footing again or crumble under the weight of our doubts and fears. add more detail to this

The sun begins its descent, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky as I stand on the football field, surrounded by the soft glow of candles. Millie, Garrett, Summer, Brett and Grayson are in the bleachers. Each flame dances in the evening breeze, creating an enchanting atmosphere that feels both romantic and surreal.

I take a moment to admire the scene I've meticulously crafted. Well, Millie and I crafted. The candles are arranged in a pattern that leads to the center of the field, where a small table holds the second jewelry box.

As I wait for Ellie, my heart pounds with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. This is a pivotal moment, a chance to show Ellie how much she means to me and how determined I am to make things right. The weight of the past two weeks hangs heavy on my shoulders, but I push aside any doubts, focusing only on the love I have for her.

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