chapter 24

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Coltons POV

Christmas break was amazing; Ellie and I had the chance to focus on our relationship, and it's stronger and better than ever. However, this past week has been a whirlwind. With a new term came new classes, and I've been pushing myself every day in preparation for today's game. It's our first playoff game against Texas and winning is crucial to staying in the playoffs.

Stepping onto the field, the roar of the crowd filled the air, fueling our determination to win.

The game was intense, with every play and every move carrying the weight of our dreams and aspirations.

the playoff game against Texas was intense, with every play carrying immense weight for our team's success. Early on, Brett got injured and had to be taken off the field, leaving us concerned but determined to push forward. As the game progressed, the score remained close, and the pressure mounted with each play. Garrett and I, as team captains, knew we had to step up and lead our team to victory. Ellie's cheers from the stands kept us motivated, adding to the energy on the field.

In the final quarter, with the score close and tension mounting, I called a play that turned the tide in our favour. A perfectly executed fake play led to a touchdown. The moment the touchdown was scored, the stadium erupted in cheers, the energy electrifying.

Amidst the excitement, I scanned the stands, searching for Ellie. Suddenly, I felt someone jump on my back, and a familiar scent of vanilla and coconut filled my senses. "You did it, baby!" Ellie's voice was full of joy as she hugged me tightly. I helped her down, embracing her as we celebrated together. "We did it, baby. On to round two," I exclaimed, feeling proud and elated.

Ellie looked stunning in her white skirt and blue cropped tank top with "Riley" printed on the back. I couldn't help but admire her as I took her hand and spun her around. "Look at you, baby," I marvelled, watching her do a little dance that made my heart flutter. We posed for a couple of pictures taken by Millie, and our team's photographer.

I couldn't resist the playful tease of placing my sweaty helmet on Ellie's head, laughing as she struggled to remove it. "Ew, Colton!" she exclaimed, making a face that only added to her charm. I carefully took off the helmet, revealing a slight pout on her lips. Leaning down, I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Are you going to help me celebrate tonight?" Her blush and shy response warmed my heart even more.

After getting changed, I hurried out of the facility to find Ellie waiting by my truck. We were off to the team party, which promised to be a huge celebration of our victory and teamwork.

The truck ride back was a mix of exhilaration and relief after the intense game. Ellie's sweet words of pride warmed me to my core. "You did amazing, baby. I'm so proud of you. That play at the end was insane," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration.

Grinning, I replied, "I love that you really watch, like really pay attention to the game. Might have to put a ring on your finger sooner than I thought." Her playful response made my heart skip a beat as she placed her hand in mine, her touch comforting and reassuring.

Arriving at the house, the distant thumping of music indicated the lively party ahead. I parked the truck down the street near my place. As we approached the entrance, Ellie's voice cut through the noise. "I got another text from that random account," she said, a hint of concern in her tone. "This time it was a picture of us from the game, telling me to stay away from what's hers. It's so creepy." I nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of frustration and unease. "I'm not sure what else to do at this point. This person seems insane," I admitted, my protective instincts kicking in. "But let's just not think about it tonight. Let's enjoy being together."

I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, reassuring her silently as we stepped into the bustling house. Greeted by friends and teammates, we dived into the festivities, playing beer pong with Brett and Summer. Ellie's competitive streak shone as she kissed the ball and threw it straight into the last cup, the winning shot. drawing cheers and laughter from everyone around." holy shit baby! I can't believe you just did that." I pick her up kissing her.

The rest of the night unfolded in a whirlwind of dancing, singing, and laughter. Ellie and I found moments of intimacy amidst the crowd, stealing glances and sharing smiles, we're both more than drunk, grinding on each other on the dancefloor. Well, the living room I guess. Her hips moved back and forth making my cock hard. Reminding myself of what's happening after we leave. Her movements started to become sloppier and slower, I'd never seen her this drunk.

"Im going to pee!" Ellie yells to me and I nod walking up the stairs with her as she almost trips. I catch her hips and set her back on the stairs continuing up. Amidst the celebration, a text from my coach reminding me to call him tomorrow. "Hey, man!" I hear from behind me, a younger player from the team comes up to me talking to me about today's game. By the time I can leave the conversation, Ellie is gone.

. Concerned, I set out to find her, I checked the room near me and there's a couple making out in there. "Sorry, my bad." I close the door and get out my phone to call her, I hear the ringtone I set on her phone from one of the bedrooms but I can't tell which one.

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