Chapter 8

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Ellies POV

I lay in bed thinking about last night, I've never had anyone even want to be my friend, let alone go out of his way at their party to talk to me. Maybe I should give him a chance? After all, he did say he just wanted to be friends. My phone dings and I grab it seeing a text from an unknown number, what? "Hey sweetheart" How did he even get my phone number? I call him. "Hello?" I say.  "Calling so soon are we? You missed my voice?" I can see his smirk through the phone. Yeah right, "How did you get this number?"

"I can't reveal my sources, sweetheart"


"While I have you on the phone, I'm coming to pick you and Millie up, we're all going to a movie." he hangs up the phone and I run into Millie's room. She's putting on light makeup in her mirror when her eyes catch mine, "I know what you're going to say, but you're going." "Milli" she holds up a finger to me and tells me to go get changed. I honestly couldn't care less so I threw on a grey sweatsuit and put on the smallest bit of makeup to fix my nonexistent eyebrows, sometimes being blonde isn't all that fun. I hear a car honking outside and Millie grabs me pulling me downstairs and outside. We get into Colton's truck which is probably the coolest truck ive ever been in but I will never let him know that, seriously who drives a vintage Ford? "Ready ladies?" Garrett asks, so he is in on this. By the time we get into the theatre, I'm almost asleep and Colton blasts the speakers. I glare at him in the mirror and see him with a huge grin on his face. That stupid perfect smile. We all walk in and grab our food, well, Millie and I grab a normal amount of food, ive never seen the boys buy so much to eat in one sitting. We head into the theatre and of course are seeing a horror movie, but not for the cliche reasons, hopefully, Millie is just obsessed with them. Halfway through the movie, I feel Colton bumping my arm, "what?" I whisper. "Let's go," I look back at Millie who's entranced by whatever is on the screen. I smile and take Colton's hand as we walk out of the theatre room, "this one!" he runs over and opens the door for us the door reads "Star Wars re-run" How did he know I like these movies?

I laugh following behind him, "I feel bad, we just left them," he shrugs his shoulders and places his hands on my shoulders pushing me in front of him "Enjoy this sweetheart. Have fun with me?" I nod and he grabs my hand pulling us into two empty seats. "Oh my god, revenge of the Sith!" I plop myself down and eagerly watch my favourite Star Wars movie. "Nerd... I love it" Colton whispers tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Something tells me this will not end in friendship. I'm trying very hard to not let my heart get involved but he already seems to be stealing it piece by piece.

After an hour I get a text from Millie asking where we are, I tell them and she says to meet us in the mall when it's finished. "Wow, I love that one, it's my favourite." Coltons already smiling at me and whispers, "I know"

We spend the rest of the day hanging around and wind up back at our place. We all walk in seeing Lauren and Jessica in the living room, Lauren scowls at me, I take it we're not invited here. so I take everyone into my room which is the biggest, "Ellie, I'm not feeling so well I think I'm going to go lay down." Millie gets up and walks out of my room with a little grin. Oh, that lit- "Who's this?" Colton's going through my picture frames on my bookshelf. My most prized possession. "That's my grandma, she was, well, she was my favourite person in the entire world." he smiles and places the frame down gently. "You read alot" he scans all my books, his huge hands make everything look small, i could imagine them on me telling me, holding me. "Pick one" I'm confused by his question, "For me? Ive read them." he laughs looking me up and down "Pick your favourite and I'll read it." oh this is going to be fun. "Colton you wouldn't get through one of these if you tried."

 "you're all wrong sweetheart, I would do anything for you." I gulp and slide off the bed around his body. "Here," I hand him the book called Lost and Found. "What is it about?" I sit back down on my bed and look up at him. "It's a childhood romance, they lose each other and end up finding their way back." It's my favourite, "then I shall read the ladies' favourite." he slumps down onto my bed and starts playing with my hair. He makes himself comfortable. I can't say I mind him doing it, his eyes are settled on mine and his body looks at peace with me, I look down at his body and see his lower abs sticking out of the bottom of his shirt. He's nice and he's jacked. Great. A low voice startles me "Tell me something you've never told anyone. Like anyone" he asks looking up at me from my lap. "I, um, I often feel lonely," I admit quietly, my gaze shifting to the floor. "Like no one truly understands me or sees beneath the surface. They just see a dumb blonde" I was expecting a joke or something witty, but Colton's response is surprisingly warm and understanding. "I'm making an effort to understand you, Ellie," he says gently, his eyes meeting mine with a reassuring sincerity. "I want to know you in ways no one else does." he grabs my hand and holds onto it. "You won't feel lonely, as long as I'm around I'll make sure of it. And for the record, I know you're not a dumb blonde, I saw you got a 90 on our human biology test," I smirk knowing that's true, he got a 65 but at least he tried.

His words make my heart flutter, a mix of nerves and excitement swirling inside me. It's a vulnerable moment, but Colton's presence feels comforting like I can trust him with my thoughts and feelings. As Colton prepares to leave knocks on my bedside table by an accident and my drawer opens. He smirks and I lunge over trying to shut it but he picks me up like I'm nothing and throws me back on the bed. Well, that didn't need to be hot. He stumbles upon something a small journal where I jot down my thoughts. I'm just glad he didn't see what else was in that drawer. I feel a rush of panic, but Colton's reaction is reassuring. "You'll trust me enough to share this with me one day," he says, his smile putting me at ease. He kisses the top of my head and gets his hoodie, "goodnight sweetheart." I know I'm blushing so hard. "Goodnight short stuff." he laughs and shuts my door. At that moment, I realize that Colton is more than just a charming football jock with a playful side; he's someone who respects my boundaries, values my trust, and is genuinely interested in getting to know the real me. He won't like me after he finds out my secret.

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