Chapter 28

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Ellies POV

The truth lay bare in my eyes, in the emptiness that seemed to pervade my entire being. Nothing drastic had happened outwardly, yet internally, I felt like nothing was quite right. Colton did his best to lift my spirits, and I cherished him for it more than words can express. I reassured him that it wasn't his fault, but despite his constant presence by my side, I couldn't shake the haunting image of those piercing green eyes.

As my phone pinged with a notification, I retrieved it from my hoodie pocket and saw what Millie had sent me - a post on Lauren's story, a picture of Colton and Lauren together. My world stopped, and it felt like my heart was torn from my chest.

I walked upstairs to our room and showed Colton the post. His concern was evident, and he took a step closer. "Ellie, that's not what it looks like. You can ask Garrett, trust me," he pleaded.

But trust was a fragile concept at that moment. "Then what is this, Colton? Because it certainly looks like you're enjoying yourself," I retorted, my voice trembling with a mix of hurt and anger.

He shook his head, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "I trusted you. I gave you everything, all of me," I yell.

"Im telling you it's only you Ellie, she came up to me and snapped the photo, I asked her to leave, Garrett was then you can ask him!" he looks with so much emotion in his eyes,

"Maybe we shouldn't be together," I state.

He looks like a knife had gone straight through his heart and he stares back at me. "Would you listen to me? We're not breaking up. It's not happening, Ellie. I put her in her place you hear me? And I would do it again. I love you. Not her, you." he cries out with tears falling from his face. Watching him cry is breaking what's left of me.

"I can't do this right now. Just leave, please." I cry into my hands.

Colton looked torn, torn between defending himself and understanding my pain. Eventually, he nodded silently and walked out, with Garrett following him.

I collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down my face as Millie sat beside me, offering comfort in her presence. The room felt heavy with emotions, a mixture of betrayal, heartache, and uncertainty, leaving me to confront the painful reality of a relationship hanging by a thread.

"It's just one thing after another." I cry

"I know you're angry... and you've gone through so much the last few days. But you need to hear him out. He would do that to you," Millie states.

I just fucked everything up

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