Chapter 6

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"Millie, I told you I have nothing to wear... nothing!" I huff and fall on my bed. So many clothes but no outfits. Millie pulled out my favourite jean skirt, and runs to her room, what could she be "Here, you're wearing this. No arguing." oh god a low-rise skirt and a tight cropped t-shirt, this is a nightmare. "Ellie, come on, did you see the way he was looking at you, you need to talk to him," I roll my eyes changing out of my game outfit which was the same thing, but if I know Millie, I know that everywhere we go means a different outfit. "Millie he's not really the kind of guy I should be getting involved with, he's probably slept with half this university." Millie shrugs her shoulders, "I doubt it from what Garrett says. He seems genuine Ellie, give him a chance." I make a face at her telling her it's time to leave. She led us out of the house but were stopped by Lauren. "Where are you to going exactly?" she nods in her stupid slick black ponytail. "Out, going to see Garrett and some friends." That's all Millie gives her before we're off waling to the party that we can hear from 3 blocks away. "This house is huge, but it's honestly impressive how many people they have in there." Millie laughs hooking our arms together. "Oh my god, we look so good." 

"Yeah, you always look good." She was wearing the most adorable low-rise jeans with a pink crop t.

Millie bumps me with her elbow, "Oh shut up, every girl here wants to look like you." I smile. I do feel pretty confident tonight, I'm wearing my long blonde hair down and added some waves, with a jean skirt and tight black crop t, showing a bit of my stomach which I don't normally do. Millie did choose a good outfit. We walk up the steps and open the front door. We were greeted with insanely loud music and a guy trying to do what looked like a handstand on the dining room table. "Oh my god Garrett!" Millie screams as she sees him hanging from the banister trying to do chinups. "You like that babe? Look I'll do a flip." "No! Garrett, you will get down from there." he drops onto the stairs and grabs onto Millie kissing her deeply. I always admired what they have. They really found a home in each other and nothing else matters to them. That's what I want. Someone to see me and love me for who I am, to show me life is worth living. My eyes meet the dark blue ones behind Garrett and I suck in a breath. 

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