Chapter 25

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Ellies POV

Tonight was amazing, I think to myself as I continue up the stairs, trying to find the bathroom. The music from downstairs is still echoing in my ears, and I can't help but smile at how much fun we've had at the party. However, I feel a little light-headed, probably from all the drinks I've had. I shake it off, determined not to let it ruin the night. 

 Seeing Lauren tonight surprised me. She offered me and Millie a drink, and we started talking for a while. It felt a bit strange, almost like she planned to meet me here. I brush off the odd feeling, Suddenly, the room starts spinning, and I realize I need to find the bathroom quickly before I get sick. I try to open a door, but it's locked. 

I hear the toilet flush from inside, and I call out, "Hey, please open up! I think I'm gonna be sick!"

The door opens, and two girls walk out. I quickly rush in and close the door behind me, feeling the room spinning faster. Everything is a blur, and before I know it, the world goes black.

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