Chapter 18

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Coltons POV

I was on edge for days after Ellie's altercation with Jacob. She seemed distant, and no matter how many times I tried to reach out, she wouldn't respond. It had me constantly checking my phone, hoping for a message or a call that never came. It's been three days since she texted me back since I saw her. 

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, I drive over to her house and let myself in.

When I found Ellie in her room, red-eyed and clearly upset, my heart sank. She was wearing my hoodie and had her blonde curls in a mess on her head. "Why haven't you answered me? It's been three days, Ellie," I couldn't help but blurt out, the anger and concern evident in my voice.

Ellie nodded, acknowledging her mistake. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, I should've texted you back."

 "Oh, did you tell him?" she asked Ellie, who looked startled by the question. Millie's entrance into the room added another layer of confusion.

I turned my attention to Ellie, waiting for an explanation. "Tell me what?" I asked my tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Millie motioned an apology to Ellie before settling down beside her. "I'm going to explain this to you, but you can't get mad," Ellie warned, her voice trembling slightly.

Reluctantly, I nodded, bracing myself for whatever was about to come. "He has a video of me. Well, someone that looks like me." I back up rubbing my hands along my face. "And you didn't tell me as soon as you found out because?" Ellie's tears only added to my frustration. "I didn't want you to leave, Colton," she confessed, her vulnerability piercing through the tension. I shook my head, pulling her into a hug. "I would never leave you," I reassured her, kissing her forehead gently. "It's of a girl, in a bedroom, he's rolling up her top and everything is on display Colton..." my eyes widen. "But I don't know, I don't remember that night, and he showed me the video so quickly I couldn't look at the details. But the person's hair looked black, not blonde." I nod letting her continue.

Millie's sudden input injected a ray of hope into the tense atmosphere. "Ellie was wearing a blue top that night, and the person in the video was wearing black," Millie reiterated, highlighting a crucial detail that cast doubt on the video's authenticity. "I also never left Ellie alone that night, we went into the house once to pee and never left each other alone." Ellie's gaze shifted between us, her eyes pleading for understanding and support. Her vulnerability was palpable, and it fueled my determination to protect her and get to the bottom of this situation.

I turned to Ellie, taking her hands gently in mine. "We'll get through this, Ellie. I'm here for you, no matter what," I promised, my voice filled with sincerity. She has to know id do anything for her. Ellie's eyes searched mine, a mixture of fear and trust reflecting in them. "But what if he goes ahead and posts it anyway? What if people believe it's me in the video?" Her voice quivered, revealing her deepest fears.

I pulled her into a comforting embrace, holding her close as if shielding her from the world's uncertainties. "We'll be prepared for that too," I said, my tone resolute. "We'll gather our friends, anyone who knows us well, and we'll make sure the truth comes out. No one will believe a lie about you, Ellie. He's just some jealous asshole that probably got one of his hookups to take the video for him" She leaned into me, finding solace in our unity. "Thank you, Colton," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and determination. I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, silently promising to do everything in my power to protect her and uphold her reputation.

I left with Ellie and Millie, bringing them to the house. I let Ellie take her time explaining what had happened. Brett, Grayson and Garrett listened and looked at me with concern. "Well be back, you two just relax," I tell Ellie, kissing her goodbye. "Don't hurt anyone, Colton," Ellie says to me. 

And I put her comment out of my mind. I went with Brett, Grayson, and Garrett to Jacob's house, ready to confront him about the video. When we arrived, I knocked on the door and Jacob answered. "Well, you made this easy." I move quickly to grab Jacob in a chokehold and Brett picks up his feet. We bring him done the steps and onto the grass where Garrett and Grayson hold him down. "I told you to fucking leave her alone. Didn't I?" Jacob spits in my face and takes a second to wipe it off my face. Brett looks at me and raises his fist throwing it against Jacob's face and knocking him out for good. I grabbed his phone and used his face to unlock it. I deleted the incriminating video and looked through his photos finding the other one of Ellie. Jacob won't be bothering Ellie again. "Stay the fuck away from her." I stand up kicking him in the ribs and leaving. "You'll be sorry for this asshole." Jacob groans holding his stomach.

 "Nope, definitely not." I laugh at the guys. 

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