Chapter 31

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Ellies POV

I wake up to the soft light filtering through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over Colton's sleeping form. His features are relaxed, a stark contrast to the usual intensity that defines him on the football field. As I run my fingers through his tousled brown hair, I can't help but marvel at how much he means to me.

Taking a deep breath, I lean in and place a tender kiss on his forehead, hoping to wake him gently. "Hey, sleepyhead," I whisper, my voice filled with a mixture of affection and uncertainty. Colton stirs, his brows furrowing slightly as he resists the pull of wakefulness. "Come on, Colton, wake up," I urge softly, giving him another kiss.

Finally, he blinks his eyes open, and I can see the confusion dawning in his gaze as he looks at me. "Ellie? What's going on?" he asks, his voice still heavy with sleep but tinged with concern as he notices the serious expression on my face.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the difficult conversation ahead. "I need to talk to you about something," I say, trying to keep my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Colton sits up, instantly alert, his eyes searching mine for clues. "What is it? Is everything okay?" he asks, reaching out to take my hands in his, a gesture that always brings me comfort.

"I've been thinking a lot lately," I begin, my words careful and measured. "And I think we should consider taking a break."

His brows knit together in confusion, and I can see the worry flicker in his eyes. "A break? What do you mean?" he asks, his grip on my hands tightening slightly.

"I mean, a temporary break," I clarify quickly, not wanting him to misunderstand. "Just for a couple of weeks. I think it would be good for us to have some space and time to figure things out."

He looks at me, searching my eyes as if trying to find the answers he's looking for. "Ellie, I don't want to take a break," he says earnestly, his voice filled with determination. "I know, Colton," I reply softly, feeling the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "But I think it's necessary for us right now. It doesn't mean it's the end, just... a pause. You need time to think clearly."

Colton's eyes widen, and he shakes his head in disbelief. "Ellie, no," he protests, his grip on my hands tightening. "I'm not leaving you. I won't."

I nod, trying to hold back tears as I hug him tightly, my fingers running over the back of his neck. "It's not permanent," I explain, my voice wavering. "But you need time away from me to think clearly."

He stands up, leaning over me, his expression pleading. "Ellie, it took time! I haven't stopped thinking about my decision. I can't go on a break," he insists.

I feel my eyes welling up, and I quickly wipe away the tears. "Colton, please," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "Don't make this harder than it already is. Just take the time."

I kiss him softly on his lips, knowing it's the last for a while, and then I gather my resolve and walk out of the room, leaving behind a piece of my heart with him.

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