Chapter 21

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Coltons pov

I gently woke Ellie with a soft kiss, her peaceful form against my chest, her golden waves splayed everywhere and her little freckles across her face, creating a scene of pure serenity. "Good morning, beautiful," I whispered, my voice filled with love. "Get dressed for a day in the city. I've got something special planned for us."

As she emerged from the washroom, her long blonde hair cascading in waves, she looked stunning in jeans, a white chunky knit sweater, and a cute long coat that made her seem even smaller and more adorable. "You get more beautiful every day," I couldn't help but compliment her, feeling my heart skip a beat as she blushed. Leaning in, I kissed her again, savouring the sweetness of the moment. "Have fun you two!" my mom yells from the kitchen. We wave goodbye and set out in my mom's car, the anticipation of our day together adding an extra spark to the air. 

Glancing at Ellie beside me, I couldn't help but marvel at her, feeling grateful for every moment spent with her. "So... where are we going?" she questions. I shrug. "You'll have to wait and see." our conversation is cut short when Ellie's phone rings. "Hello?" her demeanour changes and becomes cold. Something ive never felt from her. "No Mom, I told you I'm in Boston with Colton and his mom." I wonder what she's saying, "Well you have fun in the Bahamas for Christmas then." she nods listening to the women on the other end. "Okay yeah, I will. Merry Christmas. Bye," she hangs up looking over at me and then back to the road. "She told me I should be in the Bahamas with them celebrating my father's newest business deal." I place my hand on hers squeezing 3 times. "It's okay if you want to go, I'll be here and then I'll meet you back at school." she shakes her head pulling my hand closer to her, "No, they always do this, they make me feel bad for not being there but every time I'm there they ignore me or make fun of me... im much happier here." she smiles at me. I nod and agree with her, not wanting to pry or make her upset.

I parked the car and we began our day. Ellie's excitement was contagious. "Okay, so I have the aquarium, a few restaurants, and the pier on our list, and Fenway if you want to see it," I suggested, watching her tap her lips in contemplation. "The aquarium!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Aquarium it is then sweetheart," I confirmed, thrilled to see her excitement. At the aquarium, Ellie's delight was palpable as she marvelled at the beautiful sea creatures. I couldn't resist capturing multiple photos of her, each one a testament to her joy and wonder. "This is amazing, go stand over there," she directed me, snapping a photo of me in front of a scale humorously indicating how much I'd be worth as a tuna. Her laughter was music to my ears, and I tucked away the precious memories in my heart. "Onto the next stop sweetheart."I brought her to an Italian restaurant down the street. Ellie's appetite was evident in her eagerness to try everything on the menu. 

After a delicious meal, we made our way to the pier. As we approached the pier, I almost forgot about her gift that I was supposed to pick up. "Do you mind if I run in and grab something for my mom? It's a surprise." I asked, hoping to wouldn't try and come in. Ellie nodded enthusiastically, "Of course, I'll wait out here."

I quickly entered the shop, retrieving the carefully chosen gifts. "Here you go, Merry Christmas!" the owner exclaimed as he handed me the packages. Returning the greeting, I checked the contents, ensuring they were perfect for the surprise. Both boxes encased exactly what I had asked for.

Emerging from the shop, I presented Ellie with a smile. "Ready to continue our adventure?" I asked, eager to spend more time together and create even more cherished memories. Our day was a testament to the joy and connection we shared, and I couldn't wait for the moments yet to come. Hand in hand, our laughter echoed through the bustling city, creating a melody of joy and connection. Ellie's presence made everything more vibrant, more alive. Arriving at the pier with the sun setting in a mesmerizing display.

Walking back, surrounded by the city's enchanting lights, I realized that this day was about celebrating us, our journey together, and the love blossoming between us.

As we talked and laughed, our hearts intertwined more deeply with each shared moment, I knew that Christmas would be filled with even more cherished memories. The pier at sunset was like a canvas painted with hues of orange, pink, and gold. I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of the scene, but even more so by the beauty of Ellie standing beside me. As we stood there, hand in hand, watching the sun dip below the horizon, I felt a surge of emotion. "Ellie," I began, turning to look into her eyes, "this moment, right here with you, makes me want nothing more but to spend the rest of my life with you... im not proposing now but, one day, I promise I will." Her eyes sparkled with happiness, mirroring the reflections of the setting sun on the water. "Colton," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and on the verge of tears, "I'll be here waiting." Feeling the moment deeply, I turned to a passerby and asked, "Excuse me, could you take a photo of us together? This moment is one I want to remember forever." As the photo was captured, freezing this perfect moment in time, I knew that our love would continue to grow.

Our journey together was just beginning, and she will forever be my future.

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