Chapter 3

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 Colton's POV

"This class is killing me" I mean it would help for me to pay attention but still. "Which one?" Brett sits down on the couch across from me, "this stupid human biology class, I have to take it for my program." I hate the stupid mandatory classes. "Can't help you there buddy." Brett switches on one of the college football games and I close my book. Not doing any more work tonight. After the game I walk upstairs and crawl into bed, my body is so sore I don't think ill be able to get up tomorrow morning. I checked the DM I sent Ellie and noticed that it says seen. So she looked at it and said nothing? What? She seemed to like me at the party. I put my phone down and ignore it, but who wouldn't be into me, I'm the captain of one of the best football teams in the country. I shake my head and try to fall asleep.

The next morning I open back up my human biology notes, everything at the house is so loud, the TV is on, music is playing and the guys won't stop talking about the girl Grayson got with the night of the party "Dude she was so hot, I never thought id have a chance with her and there she was inviting me back to her place. I give Grayson a fist bump on the way out the door and head to the campus library.

The walk there is kind of long but, my body could use the stretch. I pass the main doors and find a sport near the bigger stacks, away from people. I sit down and spend maybe about an hour looking over things for our exam that's now in 30 minutes. "Shit" I mutter packing up my things, the building is across campus. I walk towards the exit and hear sniffles coming from behind one of the isles. I stop and see Ellie, crying and wiping her eyes, the same textbook I have open on the floor, I take another step and snap her head up at me. Her eyes widen in realization of who i am. Those beautiful eyes have a language of their own. "Ellie?" she quickly shuts her textbook and shoves it in her bag. Standing up she wipes her eyes and shoves past me, I never thought the baggiest sweatpants and sweatshirt could look so good on someone. "Are you okay?" I reach out to grab her arm and she takes a second to look at me, I wish I could take all that pain away. "Don't touch me" She pulls her arm away and runs off, her blonde curls bouncing as she walks away from me, the smell of her vanilla perfume still lingering around me. I'm going to kill whoever made her feel that way.

I look down at my phone, I'm going to be late, I practically sprint to the building I'm supposed to be in and see Ellie already sitting down tying her hair up into a messy bun on her head. I shake my head and take the spot behind hers. "Do you have a pencil? I forgot one" I tell her, "are you following me or something?" she asks reaching into her bag, pulling out a pencil she smacks it onto my desk. I shake my head "I'm in this class to sweetheart" She turns around tucking her legs into herself and stays like that the whole test, only to rush off as soon as shes done. I finish right after her, not on purpose or anything, I guess half the questions. I hurry out of the room and look for her, i see a flash of blue from the hoodie she was wearing and follow her out to the front of the building "Ellie!" she walks away from me "Ellie wait!" she stops abruptly and turns around with a scolding look. I definitely pissed her off. "Leave me alone! Not every girl on this campus wants you Colton!" she turns around and speed walks away from me. The only thing I can focus on is the way my name sounded coming out of her mouth, and I'm going to find a way to hear it again. 

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