Chapter 43

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The expectation of Calix not waiting at the doorstep longer than ten minutes, or perhaps even five, and the desire to have him wait for me and suffer and wonder for my return, creates a perfect contradiction of thoughts. But it is only natural the former will become my new reality and we will forget today's reunion that passed by like a nightmarish but ridiculously joyous blur. None but an insane person will only wait for their ex, in the bitter cold, wintry weather, when they know (or, think) that the other person is on a date. It is utterly ridiculous of them to loiter around when they are the same person to hurt and break off the perfect relationship with their ex. Waiting, apologizing, confessing, all done at the one and same time by them, wouldn't make the entire hilarious scenario appear less irrational.

Oh but how did I forget? Love ruins all sense of rationality and just as I speed up my pace to perhaps have a glimpse of the man, I find him there too. Still waiting. Even after it has been over two hours now.

Calix is sitting at the front porch, and on the cold concrete doorstep, having few freckles of snow here and there. His nose is red from the snow and so are his cheeks, as he hugs himself and rubs his arms up and down. No winter clothes, nothing. Just how he had come to me, running and desperate, he stayed the same. He did not either call for someone to bring him warm clothes, nor did he take a moment to go back and possibly return all dressed up warmly. He stayed and remained unmoved, this entire time.

"You are still here." The voice breaks even though I try for it not to.

A wind blows past by the moment Calix's deep blue eyes meet mine, his head jerking up almost instantaneously. For what it seems, the prince finds it unbelievable to have me standing in front of him. Trying to appear cold as ice but failing wretchedly.

"Isha. Are you here?" A tremble ripples through him, mirroring the own tremor of my beating heart. Calix stands up, approaching me with staggering steps. They are slow, they are uncertain, they are seeking for my permission. "I have been hallucinating you so much since the time I last saw you, that it's hard to believe you came back early," he chuckles weakly before hesitatingly uttering, "From your date."

When he sees me not protesting or replying, his strides fasten and in a blink of an eye, I find myself in his embrace. But I do not hug him back. My arms, which are wanting so bad to tighten the grip around him, stays limp by my sides. A breathe of relief leaves Calix, as his lips press on my clothed shoulder.

"My life is incomplete without you, I have finally realized. And trust me when I say this, Isha. I have never been happier before to realize something."

When he feels me not replying, he speaks. Faster. With heartache dripping down his tone.

"I know it is hard to believe everything that comes out of my mouth when I not long ago behaved like an idiotic jerk towards you," a bitter chuckle leaves him, "But I just want to say, you are my first love and similarly, my last love. And if you'd..." he trails off, "If you would give me an opportunity to explain myself, I will. Perhaps, you want to—are moving on from me and I will not hold you back. I will not, even though it will rip me apart to see you with Harvey or any other man who is not me. But I will do so, silently and bear the pain, do you know why?"

"Why?" I manage to croak the word out.

He pulls away from the embrace but still having a tender hold on me as he looks into my eyes, deep with passionate love. Only for me. "If you are happy, I am happy. And I will do anything in this world to keep you safe, protected and happy, even if it means sacrificing my own happiness. Because, I love you. And I will always love you."

Tellers of Lies [UNEDITED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz