When Regions Collide

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Narrator: Our heroes are away from Alola to spend time in and learn about, the Kanto Region. Today? Pokémon battles at the Cerulean Gym.

Hayley: Misty and her sisters redid the entire Gym. I....I don't know what to say.....

Narrator: So what do you think, Hayley?

Hayley, looks directly at the narrator: I love it!

Meeko: Lucario!

"Oh, yeah!" exclaimed Ash.

"It's....it's better than ever!" said Hayley. The group headed inside the Gym and to the battlefield, everyone was in shock.

"Hey, look! Something's over there!" said Sophocles, spotting a familiar Pokémon in the center of the Gym.

"Psy." said Psyduck, turning around to the group.

"All right! Hey, it's Psyduck!" said Ash and Hayley.

"So cute!" said Lana.

"Hey! Thanks for minding the store, Psyduck!" said Misty.

"Psy!" Psyduck replied.

"Welcome to the Cerulean Gym! My Gym!" said Misty.

"Psy!" said Psyduck, greeting the others.

"Pikachu! Lucario! Geodude!" said Pikachu, Meeko and Geodude.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu, hugging Psyduck.

"Geodude." said Geodude, giving Psyduck a high five.

"Lucario! Arcanine!" said Meeko and Phoenix, butting their heads against Psyduck.

"Yeah! It's been so long since I've felt like this!" exclaimed Ash. "I want to get started battling right now!"

"I want to have my first unofficial Gym battle right now!" Hayley exclaimed.

"Formal introduction time." said Kukui. "This is the leader of the Cerulean Gym and an expert in Water Type Pokémon. Misty."

"Nice to meet you all." said Misty.

"This is the former Pewter Gym leader and a rock type Pokémon expert. Its Brock." said Kukui.

"Hey there!" said Brock.

"These are the two you'll be battling. I want you all to feel the heat." Kukui explained. "It's like a blast burn."

"Is it just me, or am I seeing actual fire in his eyes?" asked Hayley as Phoenix tilted his head.

"Arca?" asked Phoenix.

"Cario....Cario." said Meeko, seeing it as well.

"Pokémon Trainers in the Kanto region make their from Gym to Gym while battling their Gym Leaders." Kukui said to his students. "A trainer who wins the battle receives a Gym battle as proof of victory."

"The Cerulean Gym has the Cascade Badge." said Misty, showing off her Gym's badge.

"And this is proof of a victory at the Pewter Gym. The Boulder Badge." said Brock.

"Pretty, huh?" Lillie asked as the others gasped.

"Yeah." said Lana.

"You and Jordan won all the badges in the Kanto region, didn't you Ash?" Kiawe asked.

"Sure did." said Ash. "You can win eight badges, and I won them all!"

"I didn't battle any Gym Leaders at all because I'm two years younger than Ash." said Hayley.

"You didn't?" Kiawe asked her.

"Nope. He did let me go on his journey with him, though." said Hayley.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now