Family Determination

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"My mother tried to protect my brother and me....when she was captured by an Ultra Beast." Lillie thought to herself. "Mother? Mother?! Oh, no, MOMMY?!"

At Aether Paradise, everyone was shocked at what happened. "Pika. Cario." said Pikachu and Meeko, worriedly.

Faba was shocked of what he had done as Lillie fell to her knees. "No, Lillie!" shouted Gladion, running over to her. "Lillie, are you alright?"

"No, Mother....Mother...." said Lillie, still in shock.

"Vul." said a worried Snowy, rubbing Lillie's hand.

"It took....Lusamine..." said Ash.

"Faba!" said Burnet as said man looks over at Burnet and Wicke, gasping. "Why did you do that without permission?"

"Because, because...." he stammered. "It's all Lusamine's fault, not mine! I'm innocent!"

"I'll save her. I've got to." Lillie said to herself as Burnet helps Hayley down. "I've got to save my mother!" Soon as she said that, Gladion gasps.

"We're coming too." said Ash as Hayley gave a firm nod. "We'll help you out."

"Ash? Hayley? Sorry you both got dragged into this, but this is a family from here on out, do you understand?" asked Gladion.

"But Gladion....." said Ash.

"Professor Burnet?" Gladion called out.


"About reopening the Ultra Wormhole...." he started to ask.

"Not possible." she tells him. "It will take time to fix the machine. Even if it gets fixed, there's no guarantee the Ultra Wormhole can be stabilized. We need to find another way."

"Find another way? What do you mean?!" asked Gladion.

"I can't answer that yet." said Burnet.

"Oh, no...." Lillie sadly said. "Who knows what Mother's going through right now?"

"I'm certain we can figure out a way to deal with this." said Wicke. "In the meantime, I think it would be best if you returned to the island."

"But why?" Lillie asked.

"Lillie. There's really nothing else you can do right now." said Burnet as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You need to rest for now. For when it counts. Do it for me." Nebby, in its cocoon form, floats down to the ground.

"Nebby!" said Ash.

"Ash, what are you holding?" Burnet asked.

"It's Nebby." he replied, then holds Nebby out to show Burnet. "All of a sudden, Nebby got really small."

"Right now......three out of four Ketchums are scared to hold Nebby." said Jordan as she, Pikachu and Meeko stood a ways from Ash.

"It's completely immobilized." said Rotom.

"Is it evolving?" Burnet asked herself as Ash and Hayley gasped. "Just a guess. What do I know? I think it would be best for everybody would be if the two of you would keep looking after it, all right?"

"Right." said Ash and Hayley. As night fell, a sad look appeared on Lillie's face as she looks out the window. Hayley was sleeping lightly against Gladion as Meeko laid across her lap.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu, curiously.

"Man, I wonder if Lillie's mom would know why Nebby changed its shape like this." Ash said to himself.

"Yes, perhaps." said Lillie. "Remember, she entrusted Nebby to you and Hayley's care for a reason, of course..."

"I'm sorry!" Ash said, apologetically. "We'll get your mom back! Don't worry! Right, Gladion?" He didn't acknowledge the question. "I wonder if there's any way to open that Ultra Wormhole..."

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now