Night of a Thousand Poses

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The sun shines through the windows of Lillie's house as Lillie and Snowy were eating breakfast. "Snowy, do you like it?" Lillie asked, hearing a content Snowy.

"Vul!" said Snowy, cheerfully. Lillie laughs as she scratches Snowy's fur, but the look on her face changes when she faces Hobbes. "Ugh! Hobbes! What do you think you're doing?!" asked Lillie, irately. "Tell me!"

"I'm doing nothing at all!" Hobbes said, trying to play it off. "Just think of me as invisible. Now won't you please give us that nice smile of yours?"

"Not in your wildest dreams!" Lillie said in frustration, placing her hand over the camera lens. "Turn off the camera. And tell me what in the world you're up to!"

Soon enough, Hobbes tells her everything. "Mother, what were you thinking?!" screeched Lillie.

"Oh, my sweet dear." said Lusamine. "Is my little baby the tiniest bit mad?"

"I think I've made it clear I'm not a baby." said Lillie. "Please stop giving Hobbes strange requests!"

"I do beg your forgiveness....." said Hobbes, feeling guilty.

"But how can you blame me? I mean, you are able to touch Pokémon." said Lusamine. "Any mother would want to see what her daughter is up to!"

"Stop it!" demanded Lillie. "If you want that, you should simply come here!"

"I guess that's true, but...." said Lusamine.

"It's always the same old thing...." said Lillie when suddenly the phone on Lusamine's end rings.

"Excuse me a second, dear." she said, then answers the phone. "Yes, this is Lusamine. Oh, of course I remember!"

"Never mind!" screamed Lillie as Lusamine becomes shocked. "If work is so important to you, then I'd rather you not bother me at all! GOOD BYE!"

Lillie turns off the screen, ending the video call and sighs. "I'm going out for a while, Hobbes." said Lillie.

"As you wish, Lillie." replied Hobbes.

At Aether Paradise, Lusamine stares at the blackened screen and sighs. At Kukui's house, Burnet was running tests on Nebby while everyone watches. "There. I'm all done." said Burnet as she finishes typing.

"And that concludes the tests." said Rotom.

"You did very well. Thanks for your help." Burnet said to Nebby, who then unhooks itself from the wires as it spins around.

"Hey, check it out. Nebby really likes Professor Burnet." said Ash.

"Yeah, it sure does look that way." said Kukui.

"That's so sweet." Burnet said to Nebby as it lands in her hand. "I look forward to our next data date. Now here's some star candy!"

"Can we move now?" Hayley asked, tied up in a chair with Meeko tied up next to her. "I think we're losing some blood flow to our arms and legs."

"Yeah! I'm starting to lose actual feeling in my paws." added Meeko and just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" said Ash as Kukui goes over to untie Hayley and Meeko.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Alola!" said the others.

"Alola!" said Ash.

"Alola!" Hayley called out from the chair once Kukui freed her legs.

"Oh, look. The gang's all here." said Professor Burnet.

"Hey, Professor Burnet." said Lana.

"It's nice to see you!" said Lillie.

"Whats the professor doing here?" asked Sophocles.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now