10,000,000 Reasons to Fight

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"Riding on Solgaleo, we went through the Ultra Wormhole and who was waiting for us on the other side? Mother! She was barely recognizable. And on top of that, the Ultra Beast took control of mother's Pokémon and unleashed them against us...she tried to defeat us!" said Lillie, remembering she and the others went through the Ultra Wormhole. "When I recognized my mother's beloved Clefable, I attempted to remind her of the days we spent together and how close we were. My pleas were successful, and happily, Clefable came back to me. But now...I need to figure out how to rescue my mother."

UB-01 created purple shards as it throws them at Solgaleo. "Solgaleo, let's move!" said Ash as it roars in agreement.

"Wah!" said Hayley, closing her eyes as Solgaleo roared again.

"No....stay away!" shouted Lusamine as UB-01 Symbiont sends a shock wave.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"What's going on?" asked Ash.

"We're scared! Lucario!" said Hayley and Meeko, holding onto each other. Suddenly, UB-01 created a pool of poison, making it a barrier between Lusamine, Solgaleo and the Ketchum siblings.

"What is that?" asked Ash.

"You're asking me? How should I know?" asked Hayley as Pikachu and Meeko walked up, sniffing the poison ocean.

"Pik...Pikachu!" screeched Pikachu holding his nose.

"Lucario!" shouted Meeko.

"Yeah? It's that bad?" Ash asked Pikachu and Meeko, taking a dip with his shoe when it starts to burn. "AAH! Poison! This is really bad!"


"I wish you would take Pikachu's and Meeko's disgusted expressions into account the next time we come across this." said Hayley, with a mallet in hand. She then looks up at Solgaleo with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry you had to see that. This is what happens when you live with Ash for 8 years of your life." Hayley said to Solgaleo.

Lusamine smiled as she sighs happily that Ash hurt himself by the poison. Silvally growled in frustration as Lycanroc and Umbreon stood in fear. "Ab....sol!" bellowed Absol as it uses Razor Wind, causing Gladion to cover his eyes.

"You're strong." said Gladion. "Very strong! It must be from the Ultra Beast's power!"

"Sol!" challenged Absol.

"But don't think for a moment you've won!" said Gladion with a red disk in his hand. "Mighty Beast, Silvally! Accept this Fire Memory...." He throws the disc as Silvally takes it into his body. "...and become the fiery beast that burns!"

"SILVALLY!" roared Silvally as he melts the ice around his feet.

"Absol." said a fearful Absol, stepping back.

"Use Multi-Attack!" shouted Gladion as red energy surrounded Silvally as he jumps into the air, then hits Absol in its head. Feeling relieved from Absol's Mean Look, Umbreon and Lycanroc went over to Silvally.

"You're both all right." said Gladion. "Now, Silvally, use Crush Claw!"

"Vally!" growled Silvally, as his claws glowed red, knocking a pained Absol back, causing it to use Ice Beam in retaliation.

"Umbre!" shouted Umbreon, using Dark Pulse.

"Excellent, Umbreon." Gladion praised his partner. "Silvally, use Air Slash!"

"Absol!" said Absol as dust surrounded it.

"Let's do it, Lycanroc!" said Gladion as Lycanroc growls. "The blue moon's Z-power....washes over us and the crumbling world.....and then....seals it up!"

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now