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Danish Raza Mir

Today, as I make my way into the base, my mind is focused on strategically planning how to bring down Shahwaiz Ali. He has selfishly taken over his father's business following his father's unexpected demise - although, in reality, I played a part in his father's untimely exit from this world.

The despicable individual has been involved in the heinous act of kidnapping innocent individuals and selling them off to European countries. It is imperative that I eliminate him just as I did with his father in order to put an end to this horrific trafficking operation once and for all.

As I walked into the base, I could feel the tension in the air. My men all stood with determination in their eyes, ready for the mission ahead. I made my way over to them and stood in front, looking each one of them in the eye.

"Be prepared, boys. This mission is do or die", I said, firmly my voice devoid of any emotion. Asad, one of my most skilled men, stepped forward. "There's nothing that can stop us from taking down Shahwaiz Ali. I will avenge my sister's death". He declared with a sinister smile on his face. I nodded at him before turning to Haider, who was busy hacking into shahwaiz's base. The notorious human trafficker, had killed Asad's 16 year old sister. He had to pay for his actions, and we were the ones who were going to make him pay.

Haider looked up at me and nodded, indicating that he had successfully breached the security. We were ready to move in. I look around at the twenty men who stood in my base. They were more than just my loyal soldiers; they were my brothers.

But I couldn't show them my emotions, not as a mafia boss. Emotions were seen as a sign of weakness in this line of work, and I couldn't afford to be seen as weak. I had to remain ruthless and cold-hearted, even though deep down, I felt for my men.

We made our way to shahwaiz's base, sneaking in undetected. Haider's hacking skills came in handy, as he was able to disable the security cameras and alarms. We moved like a well-oiled machine, taking out any guards that came in our way.

Finally, we reached shahwaiz's office. Asad kicked open the door, and we stormed in, guns raised. Shahwaiz sat at his desk, a smug look on his face. But it didn't last long as soon as he saw us.

"So, you've come to avenge your sister, Asad?", Shahwaiz sneered.

"I'm here to make sure you never hurt anyone else again", Asad replied, his voice filled with venom.

A brutal fight broke out between us and Shahwaiz and his guards. We outnumbered them, but they put up a good fight. However, in the end, we emerged victorious. Shahwaiz lay on the ground, begging for mercy. But I had no mercy left in me for a man like him. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head.

"Please, don't kill me", Shahwaiz whispered. I chuckled darkly, my own mask slipping, revealing the true psychotic nature that lay beneath. 

"You didn't show any mercy to my Asad's sister", I said, pulling the trigger and ending Shahwaiz's life. As I walked out of the base my men, covered in blood, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. We had completed our mission, and justice had been served. 

And as we drove off into the night, I knew that the world would continue to see me as a heartless mafia boss. But to my men, I was more than that. I was their leader, their brother and their protector. And that was all that mattered.

I look around and notice that the men all have smiles on their faces, a sense of relief evident in their expressions. Finally, Shahwaiz is dead, a weight lifted off our shoulders after all the chaos and danger we had faced.

"Good job guys", I say with a smile of my own, filled with pride for my team, before I turn and leave the base, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. I felt a sense of relief that Shahwaiz was no longer threat, but a lingering feeling told me that my mission was far from over.

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