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Maryam Chaudhary

"I'll come later", Maria said, her voice tinged with a mischievous wink as she gracefully exited the room, her gaze lingering on me before she closed the door behind her. I stood there, feeling a mix of emotions as I hugged him tightly, wanting to break free but unable to resist the comfort of his embrace.

"Please stay like this for a while", he whispered, his warm breath tickling my neck as I closed my eyes, finding solace in his arms despite the turmoil inside me. How could I find peace in the arms of the same man who had caused so much pain to my parents, both emotionally and physically? I felt torn, as If I were betraying my own flesh and blood by seeking solace in his arms.

I broke the hug and stood there as he was still hugging me, unsure of what to do next. Tears formed in my eyes as I struggled to understand the conflicting emotions swirling inside me. Could it be possible that I was starting to develop feelings for him? The thought was both exhilarating and terrifying. This couldn't be happening, I told myself. I couldn't allow myself to fall for him. I would only end up looking like a fool if I let myself fall in love with someone who had caused me so much pain.

Despite everything, I couldn't deny that he had a hold on me. I knew he had stalked me even traumatized me by committing a horrific act infront of me, but somehow I found myself wanting to forgive him. I could forgive him for so many things, but the thought of forgiving him for what he did to my parents was too much to bear. The pain and anger I felt towards him for that seemed insurmountable. How could i ever move past that?

I pushed him with all my strength I could muster, feeling a surge of frustration and anger. I yelled at him, my voice filled with desperation and a plea for him to back off.

"Leave me alone", I implored, my heart racing with a mix of fear and uncertainty. "You are making me go crazy. I don't understand what you're doing to me", I continued, my words tumbling out in a jumble of emotions.

"You are making me feel confused and lost", I added, my voice cracking with the weight of my emotions. "Why can't you just let me be happy?", I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes. "You're driving me insane, just like a crazy bastard you are", I spat out, my gaze locked with his as he stared back at me, his expression a mix of confusion and guilt.

"What did I do now?", he asked, his voice tinged with confusion as he attempted to draw me closer by my waist. 

"Don't touch me", I retorted, swatting his hand away. His expression shifted to one of hurt as I pushed him away.

"But, what did I do?", he persisted, his eyes pleading for an explanation.

"What you did, you did everything? You've shattered my once happy life", I replied, my voice breaking with emotion. 

"You've wounded me deeply, I'm terrified of you, I don't know what you're capable of in the next moment", I confessed, my fear palpable.

"You are a selfish, obsessive, and a manipulative bitch", I finally shouted, my words laced with anger and pain as tears streamed down my face, my gaze fixed on him.

"I'm sorry", he said with a pleading tone, his eyes filled with remorse as he tried to pull me in for a hug once more.

"No, you don't deserve any forgiveness", I replied firmly, my voice tinged with a mix of anger and hurt as I pushed him away from me, his arms outstretched in a desperate attempt to embrace me.

"Please, baby, I know I messed up. I know my way of loving, or whatever did was wrong. But my love for you is true", he continued, his voice cracking with emotion as he reached out to me again, pulling me into his arms.

"No, leave, leave me", I pleaded, my voice growing more frantic as I started to wriggle in his tight embrace. But he held me even tighter, unwilling to let me go.

"I can't have feelings for the person who hurt my parents", I said, my voice filled with anguish as I looked into his eyes. "You made mama and baba cry, you tortured them, and I never wanted to see them go through that". Tears streamed down my face as I poured my heart to him.

"Main unse bhi maafi maang lunga", he whispered, wiping away my tears.

"If they are ready to forgive you, then you have my forgiveness", I declared, pushing him away and retreating to the bathroom, locking myself in. The thought of loving someone who had caused my parents such pain was unbearable. It wouldn't be fair to them. Anguish filled my heart as I struggled with the conflicting emotions, knowing that I couldn't allow myself to love him.


Danish Raza Mir

I stood there, frozen in place, as she swiftly made her way to the bathroom and locked herself inside. The words she spoke echoed in my mind, haunting me with their cold truth. She claimed she couldn't have feelings for someone who had hurted her parents, as If it were some unwavering rule she had to abide by. But in that moment, it was necessary to hurt them, to manipulate the situation in my favor.

If I hadn't caused them pain, she wouldn't have agreed to the marriage. I promised to ask for forgiveness from her parents, but deep down, I knew it was all just a facade. The mere thought of forgiveness made my blood boil with rage. I despised the idea of groveling for forgiveness, but I knew I had to play the part to keep her calm. In the end, it was all a game to me, a twisted dance of manipulation and deceit.

I can ask for forgiveness from her, and I'm willing to beg on my knees, if necessary. However, apologizing to others is not within my character. It's not something I can do easily. My personality does not lend itself to saying sorry to others.

I must carefully strategize to earn Khalid Chaudhary's forgiveness without directly apologizing to him. It's a delicate game that I must win at all costs.


Sorry for the mistakes 🤗🤗

🥀Remember, the devil was once an angel🥀

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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