95 11 6

Danish Raza Mir

"Maryam, open the door", I said, my voice growing more urgent as I knocked on the door. I knew she had been in the shower for over an hour now, and my patience was wearing thin.

"Leave me alone", she shouted from inside, her voice muffled by the bathroom door. Her defiance only fueled my frustration - just because I was listening to her doesn't mean she can blatantly disobey me.

"Don't test my patience, Maryam. Open the damn door", I said, my hand now banging on the door with more force. I could feel the anger rising within me, knowing that she was likely sitting on the other side, crying. But why couldn't she understand that I couldn't bear to see her cry?

"Maryam, open the damn door. Otherwise I'm going to break it", I said, my voice thick with urgency. To my relief, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled Maryam. She had emerged from the shower, but something was amiss. Her hand was bleeding profusely, as if she had attempted to end her life. 

My steps quickened, as I rushed towards her. Pulling her wrist towards me. I was horrified to see the deep cuts on her left wrist.

"Why did you do that?", I shouted, panic evident in my voice. She wrenched her hand from my grip and retreated into the closet.

"Maryam, show me your hand", I pleaded, stepping in front of her. She turned to face me, her eyes holding a profound sadness that stabbed my heart. 

"I want to die", she whispered, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"Don't say that", I begged, trying to pull her toward me.

"Don't touch me, Danish", she cried, taking a step back. "I can only find peace in death. Your controlling behavior has suffocated me, and my parents will be free from your torment if I'm gone. They can finally  live happily", she said, tears streaming down her face. Blood flowed from her hand like a river, filling me with terror.

Maryam stood trembling. Blood seeped from her wrist, staining her white sleeve.

"Maryam, please jaan let me look at your hand", I pleaded my voice trembling with fear. "The bleeding won't stop".

"No, if you come closer, I'll kill myself", she threatened, her voice trembling. She reached into the closet and pulled out a gun, pointing it at her temple. 

A wave of guilt wash over me. I had kept the gun in the closet, never imagining it would be used against me. In that moment, I felt like ending my own life.

"Ok stop, I'm not coming, pass me the gun, it's loaded Maryam, please give it to me", I said my voice steadier than I felt. I took slow steps towards her.

"No, stay where you are", she shouted, her fingers threatening on the trigger.

"I swear, I'll do whatever you want, just lower the gun", I cried, tears streamed down.

"I also begged you right, to not to hurt my parents, but you didn't listen to me, why should I listen to you now", she yelled. Footsteps approached our room, growing louder with each passing second.

"Ok, I'm sorry, aisa na karo Maryam, agar tumhe kuch hua tou main marjaunga", I said, as I took another step towards her.

"I said stay where are you", she screamed, backing away into the bedroom. 

"You know I was living happy a life with my parents and my friend, but since the day I saw in that cafeteria my life got cursed: Amna was right tum ek zehreele naag ho", she said, her voice filled with venom.

As Maryam stumbled forward, the gun slipped from her grasp and clattered to the floor. I lunged forward and caught her in my arms, her body limp and lifeless.

"Hey, Maryam, open your eyes baby, look at me", I uttered, my voice trembling with fear and determination. I gently slapped her cheeks in attempt to rouse her. 

I know, I have been a complete asshole to her from the very start. My words cut through her like a serrated knife and my actions have left her emotionally bruised. But that doesn't give her the right to try and end her own life. Her life, every single breath she takes belongs to me. How dare she even think of robbing me of that control?

"Open your eyes, Maryam", I growled, as I pulled her limp body into my arms and carefully laid her on the bed. I took her hand, which was still bleeding from the self-inflicted wounds, and felt a surge of anger course through me. How could she do this?

Without a second thought, I rushed to the closet and grabbed first aid box. I hastily cleaned the bandaged her wound, my hands shaking with fury. Just then, everyone entered the room with an expression of worry etched on their faces.

"What happened?", chachi jaan asked, her eyes scanning the room frantically as she moved towards the bed and saw Maryam lying there, unconscious.

"Farhad, call the doctor!", I barked, my voice laced with concern as I sat there, staring at Maryam's disheveled appearance. Her face was swollen from crying and her hair was a mess. But even in her vulnerable state, her pouty lips, which i adored so much, were still so tempting. I wanted to kiss them, to taste her but I knew this was not the right time. I had to focus on getting her help.

I sat there, my eyes fixated on Maryam's figure. Her pale skin, dark hair, and delicate features gave her an ethereal aura, even in her current state. Suddenly, Maria barged in and sat next to her on the bed, examining her hand with a serious expression in her face. It was as if she was a doctor, carefully assessing her wound.

"What happened? She was fine Just a moment ago. Did something trigger her to try and commit suicide?", Maria blurted out, turning to look at me then back at Maryam. I furrowed my eyebrows and scowled at her.

"How would I know? Ask her when she wakes up", I replied glaring at her. Did she really think I would harm Maryam, the love of my life? I couldn't even fathom the thought. But Maria seemed to have her suspicions. I knew I would have to punish her for even considering such a heinous act.

Just then, the doctor entered the room, breaking the tense atmosphere. She quickly approached Maryam and carefully examined her hand while removing the bandage. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and worry wash over me.

"Is it serious? Did it cut near a nerve?", I blurted out, unable to contain my fear. The doctor, with a reassuring smile, informed me that it was nothing to worry about and that it would heal in a few days. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Maryam would be ok. But the doctor assess her wound, I couldn't help but feel my mind spiral into dark thoughts. Did I cause this somehow? Could I have prevented it?

"Don't worry, it seems like a superficial cut. She will be fine in no time", the doctor's voice broke through my thoughts, almost as if she could read my mind. I nodded and looked at Farhad and signalled him to drop her at the gate, to which he nodded with a shy smile on his face

I'm puzzled by this boy's preference for older women. He flirts with them, loves them, and when questioned about it, he simply says, "Because they are more understanding", while winking and giggling.

I wish I had also fallen in love with an older woman and married her, I thought as I gazed at unconscious Maryam.


Sorry for the mistakes 🤗🤗

🥀Door jaoge jo tum, mar jayenge hum🥀

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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