Planning | 058

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- Nevaeh -
A month later...

"You think I'd look sexy in this?" Isaiah asks, turning his laptop towards me. "Isaiah, I don't care if you're into wearing dresses or not, but that's like a tube top of a dress. I think the dress Ice Spice wore as Betty Boop was even longer than that. You're not wearing that to my fucking wedding." I tell him.

"What about this?" He smirks, showing me his screen once again. "Isaiah fucking Jordan, you're not showing up to my wedding in a speedo!" I say.

"Who's wearing a speedo?"

I look behind me to see Billie coming down the stairs, putting her hair up in a bun since she just showered. "Hi, baby." I laugh. "Isaiah thinks he's funny asking to wear a speedo to our wedding."

"Yeah, not happening." She shakes her head and grimaces. "Right? He thinks he's fucking hilarious." I roll my eyes. Billie stands behind where I'm sitting on the couch and bends down to kiss my cheek. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and says "Well, I care what he wears because he's insane, but you look good in anything, so I can't wait to see your dress." She smiles.

I've already bought my wedding dress, we're just looking at stuff for Zay to wear and doing some small arrangements for the wedding since the planning is almost completely done.

"Thank you, baby." I grin. "You two disgust me." Isaiah says, fake gagging. "You and Gabe are the exact same." Billie says, hopping over the couch and sitting on my lap. "Disgusting gays."

"So are you." He huffs. "At least I'm getting married to my other disgusting gay." She smiles innocently. "Are you calling me disgusting?" I gasp dramatically. "Baby, no, I'm just saying that 'cause Zay said it." She shakes her head. "I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Ew, ew, ew." Isaiah grimaces. "Shut up and go suck your boyfriend's dick." I tell him. "Gladly." He grins. "If only he wasn't at work, bitch."

"If only I cared, bitch." I say back. "You two are actual children." Billie giggles. "Says you, you act like a toddler 24/7." I tease her. "Fair." She sighs.

"Okay, anyways, baby, I want your opinion." I say, showing Billie my screen. "You think I should do my hair like this for the wedding?"

"Angel, it's completely up to you. You're so fucking beautiful, Nevaeh, so you'll look amazing with whatever hairstyle, makeup, and dress you have, okay?" She says.

"Thank you, B." I smile. "I can't wait to see your suit." I say. "I've seen it." Isaiah smiles mischievously. "Don't say a damn thing, Isaiah." Billie warns him. "I'm not!" He puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying that you looked good in it, so Nevaeh is absolutely gonna murder your p-"

"Isaiah, that's nasty." I huff. "But you're right." I mumble. "What was that, Miss Grant?" Billie smirks. "You heard me." I shrug.

"Ew, why did I start this shit?" Isaiah sighs. "I don't know, but it's on you." I grin innocently. "Ugh." He groans. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Once Isaiah leaves the room, Billie plants a few kisses on my face. "What's that for?" I chuckle. "I just love you. Plus, Isaiah is a child, so I can't kiss you in front of him without him gagging." She rolls her eyes.

"Literally." I laugh. "I love you too." I smile and kiss her softly.

"You almost done with all the rest of the stuff you need to find for the wedding?" Billie asks, running her fingers through my hair.

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