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You were waiting for a letter to come saying if you got accepted into the Super Smash Bros family. Then you heard the doorbell ring.You quickly ran to the door,opening it and seeing a letter that had the Smash Bros logo on it.You teared it open and saw the 3 words in big,bold letters:NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHING!!You squealed with joy as you ran to your room to start packing your things. The letter stated you had to be there tomorrow so you packed quickly even though it was still pretty early. This is it, you thought to yourself. They finally accepted me.


You were wide awake and ready to go to the Smash Mansion. It took you a while to get ready but you still made it on time. You got on your bus,said your goodbyes and in a few minutes, you arrived to your destination. Im finally here, you thought while smiling. I wonder what people im gonna meet. You then heard a deep voice speak on the loud speaker. "EVERYONE TO THE MAIN HALL!!"You did as you were told. "Alright then settle down people." A hand said. It seemed a little strange to you that a hand was talking but you shrugged it off. "As you all know, im Master Hand, the boss of all Super Smash Bros" he spoke with a loud, stern voice."But, someone else might not know that," he said looking at you. "Come on up (Y/N)!!" He yelled with excitement as everyone cheered for you as you walked up to the front. "As you all know, she is a newcomer so we have to treat her with respect, got it?" He asked as everyone nodded. This is gonna be awesome.

Oh my god you guys so this is my first story and I think my first chapter came out pretty decent (I hope). So, I hope you like my story so far and, well, stay awesome everyone!!!

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