It Was Only Just A Dream: Pit x Reader

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Hello ppl! *waves* That pic above is just like oml he looks so hot. Its weird how I am more interested in fictional characters that can POSSIBLY exist but you can't blame me the character designers just had to make the guys so cute!
You were heading for Pit's room to give him some left over ice cream from last night. I wonder if he's still awake. Its like 12:00a.m but I know Pit. He usually tries to pull some all nighters. But...fails. You sighed.

You were finally at Pit's door and gave it a knock. You didn't do it so loud cause you might wake up the others or even Pit. He didn't answer. You twisted the door knob and it was surprisingly opened.

"Pit? Are you awake?" You whispered. He just had his eyes shut curled up in his blanket. "I have ice cream."

You thought that would work but he was fast asleep. You placed the ice cream in his mini freezer and sat down by his bed. You ruffled the angel boy's hair.

"Hey, Pit?" Still no answer. He suddenly started tossing and turning.

"(Y-Y/N)" He moaned.

"Uh...Pit?" You snapped your fingers in front of his face. He tossed and turned again.

"Mmm...(Y/N)," He smiled.

What the heck is he thinking about right now!?

"Pit!" You gave him a slight push, waking him up. He rubbed his eyes.

"Hm, what? Is there cookies?" Pit's vision started to clear up and he saw you sitting on his bed. "Ah! (Y/N)!! W-what are you d-doing here?!"

"Oh, just came to give you some ice cream. And I have a question."

"W-what could it possibly be?" He said innocently.

"Why were you saying my name while you were sleeping?"

"U-uh...I don't know! I guess I your name! Yeah, (Y/N), such a beautiful name," He faked a smile.

"Sure," You went to his freezer and grabbed the ice cream. "Wanna eat some ice cream?"

"Okay," He grabbed two cups, two spoons, a scooper and a few toppings. You served your ice cream. You put some whipped cream on his nose on purpose and he chuckled.

"Really (Y/N)?" He smiled at you.

"Sorry, here let me help," You kissed his nose removing the whipped cream.

"U-um thanks," He stuttered.

"Your welcome," You sat down on his bed and turned on the t.v. Pit sat down next to you.

~~~1 hour later~~~~

You were still awake watching t.v. You then felt a sudden weight on your shoulder. It was Pit's head. He had fallen asleep.

You carefully put his head on a pillow and put the blanket over his sleeping body.

"Goodnight Pit," You gave him a small kiss on his forehead and left.

~~~next day~~~

You knocked on Pit's door. You heard him yawn a bit. He went up to the door and opened it.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" He let you in.

"Hey Pit," You lied down on his bed. He lied down next to you.

"How was sleeping yesterday?" You asked him.

"Um...good! I guess, I wasn't thinking of anything weird!!" He raised his hands up and swung them around a bit.

"Okay, okay," You giggled.

"Sorry. I over reacted."

"No it's fine. Wanna go spar with me?"

"You know it!"

~~~after sparring (11:00p.m)~~~

"Woo! That was a good sparring session!" Pit sat down on his bed.

"Yeah," You fell to the floor.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Pit grabbed your arm and lead you to the bed.

"Yeah. Just my legs are a little weak but I'm fine!"

"Just rest on my bed okay? I was gonna sleep anyways," Pit said.

"Wait, so I'm gonna spend the night with you?"

"Mhm!" He hummed.

"Okay then," You went to your room and got your pajamas and changed into them and walked to Pit's room.

"I'm gonna go to sleep (Y/N). If you want you could watch t.v or somethin'," He mumbled. He flopped on his bed.

"Actually, I was gonna go to sleep," You lied down next to him.

"You wont be uncomfortable like this?" Pit asked you.

"No I'm fine. Don't worry about me Pit," You shut your eyes and cuddled on his chest. He started to blush but gave in and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Night Pit."

~~~around 1 hour later~~~

"(Y/N)," You heard a voice moan.

Not again!!

"Pit!" You yelled/whispered.

"Huh?" He woke up. "Aww, it was only just a dream."

"What was only just a dream?" You questioned him.


"Pit, tell me."

"F-f-fine! I was kinda having dreams of you and we were kinda you know...k-kissing," He touched some of the feathers on his wings.

"Aw, you were dreaming about me?"


You got closer to him.

"You know how you said we were kissing?"


"Well, it doesn't have to be a dream. It could be in reality," You said.

"What do you m-" Pit was cut off by you kissing him. You placed your hands on his chest and he placed one of them on your head. He stroked your hair with that hand. You broke the kiss.

"Well, I really like you too."
My eyes are so tired! I've been up for so long and I just made this chapter for you guys. But, it was all worth it! *fist pumps with a random person* ba la la la la. My legs also hurt cause one of my friends in taekwondo kicked me on my leg and made me fall. He apologized but it hurt! Oh well, I'll get over it. Also, sorry for so many typos. Stay awesome!!

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