Chapter 5

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Daniel: Lexi! Hey.
Priya: I'm going to go..
Me: Wait... Can I have your number?
We exchanged numbers and she left.
Daniel: Where have you been, I haven't seen you all week except in maths
He smiles... Ahhh that perfect American smile
Me: I've just been about
Daniel: Ohh cool... How you been?
Me: Daniel do you really care?
Daniel: Woah! .... Where is this attitude coming from?
Me: Well for one you shouldn't be talking to me because you have a girlfriend!
Daniel: Girlfriend?.... You mean Moanna?
Me: mmhhmm
Daniel: We're not official. We're always on and off. In fact I just ended it with her today. Happy?
Me: Yes.. I mean no.. Ahh
He giggles
Daniel: Anyway lets get to the real reason why I embarrassed myself running up to you....
He smiled
Daniel: .... How do you feel about parties?
Me: Umm I don't know, I've never been invited to one
Daniel: Ohh really? Well I'd like to invite you to a party tomorrow night
Me: Tomorrow?
Daniel: I know it's last minute, if you can't make it, I totally understand.
This is my first party, of course I'm going to say yes.
Me: N-n-no it's fine. I can make it
Daniel: Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6.. Ohh yeah can I have your number to.
We exchanged numbers and he went to his boys, who were shouting and punching him and saying stupid this like "Atta boyy" "Get in" "Oii Oii"
I went home that day with the biggest smile on my face.

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