Chapter 43

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Shit! Just fucking great! This is exactly what we need right now, the fucking police getting involved, now we defiantly have to find Andre before they do or they would find out everything about him and what he's been doing.
Officer 1: Miss Ford may we come in
Me: I-I don't think it's the right time at the moment-
Mum: Lexi honey who is at the door
Mum said ascending from the kitchen
Mum: Fabulous you're here, please come in.
As the officers sit on the sofa my mum offered any beverages, they both requested tea with one spoon of sugar.
Mum: Right away
She goes back into the kitchen and I follow her
Me: Urr mum?
Mum: Yes darling
Me: Did you call the police?
Mum: Yes I went to the station yesterday and filed a missing person report
Me: WHY?!
She stopped everything and stared at me
Mum: Is there a problem? Do you not want to find your brother?
Me: I do I-
Mum: Cause ever since you came back you haven't shown any sympathy for him at all, every time I brought it up you simply brushed it off as if it was lint on your shoulder. Do you not care about him?
Me: No! I worry about him but, I think you're overreacting by calling the police, you know he always does his disappearing trick
Mum: I know Alexis but, this time, something is wrong, I can feel it in my heart
She's right
Mum: Now go upstairs like your sisters and wait to be called down
Me: Called down?
Mum: Yes to be interviewed, you was the last one to have seen him
Me: Right
I left the kitchen and dashed to my room without making eye contact with the officers. I closed the door, sank to the floor and called Connor
Connor: Hello
Me: We have a problem
Connor: What?
Me: The police is here
Connor: So?
Me: Searching for a missing person.... Andre!
Connor: The fuck what did you do?
Me: It's not me, my mum called! She's seriously worried about him!
Connor: Fuck! Now we have to find him
Me: They're gonna call me down any minute
Connor: For what?
Me: Questioning, since I'm the last person that saw him... Ahh I'm scared Connor you should come over
Connor: No! Bad idea, then they're going to question me
Me: I hate being questioned, I hate it
Connor: Lexi
Me: Like what if I say something that could make them suspicious of me huh?
Connor: Lexi calm down
Me: What if I blab that Andre is Tamz?
Connor: Alexis
Me: I babble when I'm nervous ahh
Connor shouted so loud down the phone that I could slightly hear him from his house next door
Connor: Alexis chill, everything will be fine
Me: How
I was already sweating uncontrollably
Connor: You're gonna have to lie to the police
Connor: Keep your voice down they're just downstairs
Me: Are you insane
Connor: Alright not lie but make your answer blunt and, if they ask you questions that are too personal then answer "you can't remember" or "not sure"
Me: That would make me look suspicious, like I'm hiding something
Connor: Obviously don't use those phrases all the time but, it would indicate to them that they are touching a sensitive area. Trust me I've done loads of these before, I know how it works.
Mum shouts from the living room
I shout back
Me: Connor I have to go, my mum's calling me
Connor: Alright but just remember be blunt
Me: Got it
Connor: Ohhh and another thing
Me: What?
Connor: Cry a little would ya
I giggled and hung up the phone
I open the door and see Courtney walking back to her room
Courtney: Good luck!
Me: For what?
Courtney: They're intimating
I ignored her comment and proceeded to the living room
Me: Hello Officers
They both look at me weirdly.... Shit!
The Officer I was talking to earlier addresses me first and the second Officer is just taking down notes
Officer 1: We're going to start off by asking you a few questions
Me: S-sure
Officer 1: Are you nervous Miss Ford?
Me: Y-yes
Officer 1: Why's that?
Me: I hate being questioned
Officer 1: Why?
Me: I'm not really a confident person
Officer 1: Alright... I believe that you was the last person to see Mr Andre Ford
Me: Yes I was, he followed me to Manchester
Officer 1: Why did you go Manchester?
Me: To help a friend
Officer: Who is this friend?
Me: I'm not comfortable bringing my friend into this situation
Officer 1: Alright no problem... Next question

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