Chapter 29: The Past

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Ryan's POV

I've never been as sad as I am right now, truthfully I'm just done. Every time Mackenzie and I get along perfectly and things are going great, something happens. At times, we've screwed ourselves over, yet it's other people and other things that add to it. I want to be with her, and I care for her so deeply, but I don't know what to do anymore. I know she's thinking I didn't want to answer because I had another girlfriend but that's not even true, I didn't want to answer because I didn't recognize the damn number.

Ken pushing me out the house, basically naked, connected everything for me. Of course I knew what was happening but I couldn't talk myself out of that. Every situation with her, we can literally sit down together, talk and everything goes away. Yet this time, she said I'm going to have to figure out who this person is before I even speak to her again. Some girls say shit like that and don't even mean it, but I know if she said it, she meant every word. So obviously, I have to figure out who this girl is and something has to give.

I really can't believe I begged her, like literally begged her to stay with me. I never did something like that before. In the past if a girl broke up with me, I would just be like "cool, ok." But it's different with her, she can't just leave me like that. I was so close to saying 'I love you', I was so deep in my feelings it was ridiculous, but good thing I didn't say it. She might of just slammed the door even harder in my face.

Riding home, I didn't even take the time to put my clothes on, I was so depressed just thinking about her being mad at me. I know I really didn't do anything but I should have just answered the phone and made everything go away, but I'm so damn stubborn at times.

Walking into the house I went straight upstairs to my room. I have to immediately figure out who's number this is, and this chick said I was her boyfriend so I might know her. I just hope it's not some crazy ex-girlfriend trying to start some drama or something. Putting on some shorts and a tank, I sat on the bed and studied the number. It felt like hours of me simply staring at the number trying to figure out who it this was, but nothing was connecting.

Then I got an idea, I hurriedly searched my room for my laptop. I'm going to search this number to figure out who it is. Turning my computer on and logging in, I typed the area code and digits into the goggle search engine. Pressing '', I typed the number into the search box. All the information they showed me was that the person lived in Detroit, if I wanted to learn more I would have to pay $2.00.

I found my wallet in my dirty jeans and pulled out my credit card, and typed in my numbers. While the website accepted and loaded the info I wanted, I went downstairs to get the house phone. Though Betty does work for us and this is my house, I still didn't feel like talking or seeing her. I knew the first thing she would ask is whe...

"Where have you been?" Betty asked with both her hands on her hips.

"I stayed the night at a friends house." I replied dryly. The only reason I didn't say I was at Mackenzie's is because Betty is very overprotective with me when it comes to girls, because of past girlfriends, she thinks everyone I date is a gold digging hoe. Some are of course, but Mackenzie's not, her family isn't exactly poor, nor is she a hoe.

"Why didn't you call and tell me?"

"Betty, in all seriousness, in the eyes of the law, I'm a grown ass man. So....I'll do what grown men do and mind my own business." I didn't mean to sound snappy with her, but sometimes she's just too much in my shit, and right now is not the time for all of that.

Grabbing the closest house phone I could find, I went back upstairs to my room without waiting for her response. When I sat back on my bed and looked back at it, everything I wanted to know popped up. The name that popped up on the screen was Lauren Moore. I thought about girls I've talked to, dated, and had sex with but I didn't remember this name. I then thought about old friends and I still came up with nothing, but for some reason, I knew this damn name. On the site, they had a tab for close relatives, me being nosy as fuck, pressed it and found another name that sounded familiar. Sabrina Black.

After stressing my brain, around 8:00 at night I just said fuck it and called the number from my house phone.

"Hello?" The girl said on the other end of the phone.

"Heyyy, you're on 98.7 and you've just won tickets to the Drake, Nicki, and Wayne tour!" I screamed into the phone trying my best to sound real.


"Aye! Baby girl you can't curse on the radio but yes! I am serious."

"OMG! I didn't even know they were having a concert!"

"They are and you're going, please stay on hold so we can get your info."

"Ok, thanks."

I pressed hold and sat for a few minutes to make it seem real. Those few minutes I still couldn't figure out who this girl was, but all I knew was that she sounded familiar.


"Yes! I'm still here."

"Ok, I will need your home address to send the tickets and your Instagram name for a shoutout."

"Ok! It's 3689 Mayberry and it's LaurenLovesYou."

"Ok, I wrote all of that down and you should be getting your tickets this week, and the latest early next week."

"Great, thanks."

"No problem, bye."

"Bye, bye!" She screamed into the phone.

After hanging up with Lauren, I immediately blocked her number because I didn't want her calling this number back when she doesn't get those imaginary tickets. Then, I logged into my Instagram and searched her name. Seeing her face made my heart stop, not because she was beautiful or anything. Mainly because I realized who she was and telling Mackenzie who Lauren was....might piss her off even more.

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