chapter 1

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Sorry there is not a better cover. it's a work in progress. anyways, this story is mostly about finchel but I'm gonna add in quick and klaine.

disclaimer: i do not own glee

Rachel's POV
My name is Rachel Barbara berry. I'm head cheerio at my highschool, and I have the highest gpa in my class. Well I'm tied with my best friend but I'm fine with it.

My best friend is Finn Hudson. We've been friends since we were toddlers. Our moms were friends in high school and we're also neighbors, so we would always hang out. Right now, I'm at his house about to wake him up cause he's my ride to school.

I throw a cup of cold water at him and I run for my life. I hear him yell," DANG IT RACH".
He runs downstairs and I see he's all wet and I just start bursting out with laughter.

"This is not funny Rachel, you're gonna pay"
He starts to tickle me and now I'm dying, so I say I'm sorry and he gets ready for school.

Finn's POV
My name is Finn Hudson. I'm the nerd of my school, but I don't get bullied anymore cause my best friend Rachel protects me. She's the most popular girl in school but we still are best friends. Our moms are always telling us that we're gonna end up together, but I could never think of her that way. I mean we used to take baths together.

I'm sleeping right now when I'm rudely awakened by freezing cold water and a laughing Rachel. I yell "DANG IT RACH".
And run down stairs to see her cracking up on the floor.

I start tickling her so she has to say our little saying." Finn Hudson is so hot and sexy"😏
I stop once she says it and now we're just laying on the couch.

"Finn, go get ready, you're my ride to school".
I groan as I get up to put on my glasses and a flannel. I hear Rachel yell,"hurry up Finn, we're gonna be late."
"How are we gonna be late?"
"We have an hour and a half before school starts."
I finally go downstairs and I see Rachel take my hand and rush me to the truck.

"Are you excited for school finny?" We have nick names but we're not a couple.
"No, cause you woke me up"
"Oh get over that you baby, it was just some cold water, and you had to get up."
"How would you like it if I did that to you?"
She silent for a moment and then says," well that's different cause I wake up at 6:00 unlike you."

We arrive at WMHS and park and I see Santana in the hall.
"Hey Satan"
"Sup b and frankenteen".
"What's with you guys and these nicknames?"Rachel asks
"I don't know, she used to call me orka so frankenteen was better."

We walk to class and I sit down next to Rachel.
The teacher is talking about some show choir club and I get bored, but Rachel seems so into it. Rachel whispers to me," hey Finn, do you want to audition for glee club with me?"

"Rach, I can't sing or dance".
"Oh come on, it'll be fun,please?"
She looks at me with her puppy eyes and I give in. Well it looks like I'm joining glee club.

Author's note.
How'd you like the first chapter, I'll be updating soon. And btw I just thought the picture was hilarious so I put it there.😂

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